Nature Chills Challenge

I decided to start a little blog challenge and would love it if you would participate and / or spread the word 🙂

There is one thing that always helps me chill out: Nature! No matter if it is a thunderstorm, waves, the wind, a snow covered mountain or just a sunset… I am in awe!

So here it is: My Nature Chills Challenge! (Starting now, last entry Monday, November 3rd @midnight AEDT)

Here are the “rules” for my challenge:

1. Describe, what in nature makes you chill out the most and why, in whichever way you like.

2. Use less than 150 words.

3. Mention the participation on your blog and link to my blog (to the Nature Chills Challenge page).

4. Tag your post with “Nature Chills Challenge”.

5. Your post has to be new and specifically written for this challenge.

You have until Monday, November 3rd (midnight AEDT) to post and link to my blog.

I will choose the 10 posts I liked the best and then create a poll.

Then my readers will be able to vote on the 3 posts they like best and I will publish the result on Thursday, November 6th. The best 3 posts will be mentioned in a post on this blog and will be linked back to your blog again.

Really looking forward reading your thoughts and some inspiring posts! You will find a list with links to all Nature Chills Challenge posts on this page. And you will also be able to vote here.

Thanks for participating 🙂

21 thoughts on “Nature Chills Challenge

  1. Schreib einfach auf Deutsch! Der Eintrag ist ja auf deinem Blog mit link zu mir und der Challenge. Vielleicht kannst du ja auch ein Foto einbeziehen? Ich habe ein paar Followers aus der CH und auch in Deutschland (nicht sehr viele, aber wenigstens ein paar). Überlegs dir…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: LIEBE ZUR NATUR: Entspannung pur | LIEBESRAUM

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