The Loyalty Of A Dragon


A dragon. A magic creature, strong, powerful, mystic and loyal. The Chinese Dragons symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricanes, and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for people who are worthy of it.

What an honor to be nominated for the Dragon Loyalty Award by Erika, who I cherish and respect as my blogger friend for a while now. The exchange with her is always inspiring and she is for sure one of the bloggers I would love to meet in person one day. So a huge thank you to you, Erika, for nominating me for this special award. As soon as it’s time I’ll raise my glass to the occasion 😉

Every award brings some rules along, so here we go:

  • Thank the giver and link their blog to your post. Done
  • Pass the award on to other bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated. See Below
  • Give 7 facts about yourself. Here we go…

Seven facts about me that you don’t already know… I think I have to dig deep…

  1. I’m a chocolate snob. It’s either good chocolate or no chocolate at all. And I’m happy to discuss with you if Belgium or Swiss chocolate are the best. Which leads me to point 2…
  2. I can be pretty stubborn. Just ask my husband…
  3. As you know I’m Swiss. And of course Swiss chocolate is better than Belgium…
  4. I’m actually full-proof Australian now as well :-). Yes! Dual citizenship!
  5. I told my babies to suck their thumb instead of using a pacifier… Why? Because I knew from experience that nobody could ever take your thumb away and you can not lose it or drop it… No, they didn’t listen to me…
  6. I’d loved goofing off with my best friend when we were young. That might have included dressing up like idiots for a mixed doubles match with two of our best boy-friends (not relationship boyfriends) and making them feel totally uncomfortable. I was told that pictures exist of that event… I might have seen them too. And I hope they stay hidden 😉
  7. I often ask myself if you really have to go through the entire “education” to become a motivational speaker… I mean, if you can motivate people you have that gift, right? So why would you have to go pay big bucks in order to get a certificate of another motivational speaker?

As the name of the award has the word ‘loyal’ in it, I would like to choose the following bloggers as my nominees. They’ve been following my blog for a long time and the exchange has been ongoing.

Behind The White Coat
An Armchair Perfectionist
The Champa Tree
Edwina’s EpisodesPerspectives on…
Irene Design2011
Mother Hen Diaries
Darlene’s Corner
Silver Lining Mama
Far Beyond The Stars

and last but not least Berryduchess

There are so many of you guys following me for such a long time and always commenting or liking. I really appreciate your support, your input and the exchange we have. It’s truly inspiring.

24 thoughts on “The Loyalty Of A Dragon

  1. I love your facts and it is so cool that you divided one fact into three…. Swiss Chocolate definitely is better than Belgium…. I am stubborn too… haha. Of course I (and I am sure everybody) would love to see THE photos… lol. Thanks for participating and thank you so much for the kind words you had for me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your award, Momma! Having only tasted the famous Toblerone from Switzerland, (which I love!) but many Belgian chocolates and truffles, I would have to say that I do prefer truffles – but that wouldn’t be fair to you, since I’m sure that there is more to Swiss chocolate than Toblerone! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Chocolate snob! That is a perfect term for us 🙂 Agree on no. 7 and well… I cannot decide between Swiss and Belgian chocolate – Perhaps a sample from you will tip the scales?? 🙂
    Thank you for the nomination! The journey with you just gets better!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Dragon’s Loyalty Award – The Second | A Momma's View

  5. Pingback: As Loyal As A Dragon | A Momma's View

  6. Pingback: Dragon Loyalty Award | Far Beyond the Stars

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