Make yourself Proud


We always try to make others proud. Our parents, our family, our kids, our partner, the company we work for, maybe even friends. In the entire game we forget the one person that really matters: ourselves. 

I had a little exchange with Danny from Dream Big, Dream Often about conformity. Exchanged thoughts about how conformity, social norms, simple manners and letting someone find their identity can become quite and interesting mix and how everything can be thrown out of balance. Then I saw this and then I saw a very interesting post on Facebook, written by Molly Galbraith (you can also find her here):

“This is my body. 

This not a before picture. 

This is not an after picture.

This just happens to be what my body looks like on a random Tuesday in December of 2015 — it’s a LIFE picture. 

This is a body that loves protein and vegetables and queso and ice cream.

This is a body that loves bent presses and pull-ups and deadlifts and sleep. 

This is a body that has been abused with fast food and late nights and stress.

This is a body that has been pushed to the brink of leanness in figure competitions and maximum strength in powerlifting meets. 

This is a body that begged for mercy when it was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and PCOS. 

This is a body that has been called:
– too fat
– too thin
– too masculine
– too strong
– too weak
– too big
– too skinny

…all within the same week. 

This body has been publicly evaluated, judged, and criticized, and those judgments have been used to determine my level of skill as a coach and a trainer, and my worth as a person, both positively and negatively. 

Some people say they would “kill to have this body.” 

Others say they would “kill themselves if they had this body.” 

(Yes, unfortunately that’s actually a thing humans say to one another.)

This is a body that I spent too much time, energy, and mental space wishing would look differently.  

And today? 

Today this is a body that is loved, adored, and cherished by the only person whose opinion matters — ME.

This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I have made NO resolutions to change the way my body looks.  
This is a kind of freedom I didn’t think I’d ever experience, and it feels really, really good.

This is the picture she posted with this text:

And somehow it all kind of comes together for me. 

Way to often we worry about what others might think of us, what they expect from us and in doing so we forget to really listen to ourselves, to make ourselves happy. 

Time to change that and finally listen to what we want and make ourselves proud.

30 thoughts on “Make yourself Proud

  1. Hubby and I gave up living our lives for other people as we never seemed to get it right and always ended up on the receiving end of their frustrations or upsetting someone. Now we take each day as it comes, some good, some not so good, and enjoy our life. Along the way, we make people smile and try to be helpful and considerate.


  2. It becomes tiring after sometime … trying to conform to what society has to say about you, me and everybody around us.
    This a nice post to tell others that it’s okay to YOU for you!
    Happy new year by the way!


  3. Very wonderful and insightful post. We could all remember to love ourselves for who we are and not worry about what other people think. In the end, we need to be happy and accept what we see in the mirror every day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes. It’s hard though. When you’re brought up it’s a big thing to make sure you make people happy. And realizing that it’s actually more about you than the others and actually living it without suddenly feeling selfish is a challenge…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautifully written. Sometimes we feel guilty for self confidence. So we progress to self loathing. We must all remind each other that to love oneself is not boasting it is to develop a relationship with what God gave to us and learning to love ourselves so we can learn to love others.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I don’t make resolutions about my body either. This is the one and only one I’ll have today, and I’m satisfied with that. Interestingly enough, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s back in 1980, right after I left the military.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. When I first read this post, I thought that “proud” might be too strong of a word to describe how we view and accept ourselves as is. Then I looked it up the definition of the word and, after reading the entry below, changed my mind. I now agree, we all should strive to make ourselves proud as often as we can.
    (I found #8 to be a perfect description of how I feel about you and your blog. Also thought you would especially like and appreciate the example used in #9)
    1.feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself (often followed by of, an infinitive, or a clause).
    2.having, proceeding from, or showing a high opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, or superiority.
    3.having or showing self-respect or self-esteem.
    4.highly gratifying to the feelings or self-esteem:
    It was a proud day for him when his son entered college.
    5.highly honorable or creditable: a proud achievement.
    6.stately, majestic, or magnificent: proud cities.
    7.of lofty dignity or distinction: a proud name; proud nobles.
    8.Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. pleased; happy: I’m proud to meet you.
    9.full of vigor and spirit: a proud young stallion.

    Liked by 1 person

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