2nd Anniversary Is Approaching Fast – Party With Me

Image result for gif minions celebrating

Can you believe that A Momma’s View will soon turn 2? Crazy, right? My little baby blog is slowly turning into a toddler 🙂

I know we should only celebrate on the day but I decided to make it a anniversary week (or two) and start already now. I will share this post on a couple of occasions until the day if finally here, so please don’t be shy and share away!

Come on over and celebrate with me! No better way than with a Blogger Party, right?

  • Share a link to your favorite post on your blog in the comments.
  • Short intro of your blog won’t hurt.
  • Please don’t forget to check out posts that have been shared in the comments already, to keep it fair. After all you want to meet new bloggers too, right?

Let’s make it a big party, so please also share this link with your followers in order to make sure we meet many new people.

Let’s do it!

Image result for gif champagne

55 thoughts on “2nd Anniversary Is Approaching Fast – Party With Me

  1. I read probably 3 out 5 postings of yours. It is always comforting to see “Momma’s View” come up in my wordpress reader. Typically, I have turned up early to the party. and I shall probably spend the whole evening nursing a glass of wine in the kitchen.

    As for sharing a favourite blog, here goes. My blog is “matteringsofmind” which is froman e e cummings poem containing the line “all matteringsofmind do not equal one violet” Here’s a story from my childhood.It is about Formular 1 racing drivers, and human endurance. https://matteringsofmind.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/fangio-fidel-and-fred/

    Please keep your blog up and running Momma!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How exciting and congrats! Thank you for this opportunity! As many people know, but some do not, I am a retail blogger. Before being a SAHM I was addicted to my job in retail, and I keep a blog about my experiences of then and now. Copied below is one of my earliest posts of my blogging time, a little over a year and half ago! It feels me with delight to share my wacky, fun, and sometimes stressful experiences with those who have and have not worked in retail.


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Congrats on two years! WhooHoo! I don’t have a favorite blog post, but I’ll just drop a note here to say you’re doing a great job. I love your blog and look forward to reading your posts whenever I see them pop up on my feed. You go, girl!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations 😀 I recently completed two years and took time off as a reward 😛 You are just accumulating more energy. Keep up your amazing work. I will be reading up on your past posts soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Sepultura13 here – congrats on blogging for two years.

    My blog is called Random Ramblings; Myriad Musings, and I’ve been writing in it for five years. It is my creative outlet, online journal, and one of my two “social” means of interacting with others in cyberspace. Hopefully it will assist me with getting more eyes on my autobiography, which is nearly completed.
    Here are two links: one to my ‘About’ page, and one showing off some of my photography skills!



    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love your blog, glad it is going strong. Before you know it you will be dealing with the troubling “teen” years of your blog, lol!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m always out here reading and enjoying! Love the party and I’ve brought banana bread, high in cyber calories. My blog is an offbeat humor blog encompassing everything from football to How did Captain Bon Trapp decide to marry Maria verses The Baroness?? Anything in between is fair game. Here’s one of my reader’s faves:
    10 Gourmet Specialties For Hungry Bloggers!
    And most importantly…. Happy Birthday and 2 year Annoversary!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Congratulations on your two year anniversary!

    We moved from Europe 2 Australia a bit over a year ago, our family (including the children of 8 and 10 years old) blog about our new life in Australia.

    Here I would like to share a recipe of homemade bread. We started making our own bread some months ago. It makes your house smell amazing and it is so much easier than people think!
    Oh, and if the sourdough sounds too complicated, try it with yeast, that is even easier. Just give it a try and get hooked, uh baking!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Congrats, Sandra. I’ve told you often how inspired I am by your blog. ☺ You seem to take on topics that are special to me, and always from the heart.❤️ 💛 💙 💜 I woke up today to lots of buzz about the Wizard of Oz, released in August, 77 years ago, and decided to share my real name for the first time. Hope you enjoy my coming out of anonymity, at least for a while. https://vanbytheriver.wordpress.com/2016/08/28/dorothy/

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Pingback: Another Versatile Blogger Award | A Momma's View

  11. Pingback: It’s Another Liebster | A Momma's View

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