
I often wonder what actually is unusual. Is it something we see that we don’t see on a regular basis? Is it something that is not according to what we consider normal? Is it something that simply stands out? So many things, so many situations can be unusual. Achievements of course as well. So I tried to put together pictures of things, moments that I consider unusual. Let me know what you think 😉

Unusual wonderful moments in nature…


Unusual hikes in a beautiful forest…


An unusual way for the sunshine to get “through”…


Unusual sights in Australia…


Unusual? Maybe… but maybe only for some…

23 thoughts on “Unusual

  1. Pingback: Unusual: Writing on the Wall | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Unusual for me would mean something that makes me feel surprised. Something that makes me stop and wonder and maybe do a double take to have a look at it. Lovely shots and love the one where the sun is setting. Glorious 🙂

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