Guest Post – Curiosity: The Little Rover that Could

Emma is one of my regular guest bloggers. I feel really thrilled about the possibility to post one educating post of this great blogger once a month over the next couple of months. Thank you so much, Emma, for sharing these great posts with us! If you would like to check out the previous guest posts, this amazing blogger wrote for me, head over here.


In science, old stories become history, and the future becomes a new mystery. The Spirit and Opportunity rovers that were sent to traverse Mars’s landscape have faded out of mind. Spirit’s reign is over due to dust storms blocking its solar panels, and while Opportunity explores one side of Mars, our new focus, Curiosity, explores the other. The names of the rovers fit the progression of science, in a way. In the beginning it was just the spirit of discovery that spurred us on. Later opportunities presented themselves, and we grabbed them. In keeping with the metaphor, Spirit is long gone, and only her twin sister Opportunity remains. But now our motivation is Curiosity. And Curiosity itself seems to have a personality.

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