One Word Photo Challenge: Horse

I have a soft spot for the word horse. A soft spot because I grew up with horses, considered my horse my partner and friend and there are days where I miss her dearly. And then there was our baby who then grew up to be not only a beautiful guy but also an amazing partner as well… And when I think back then I realize that I not only miss them but also the time we had. Certain things you can’t get back anymore. But they will forever have a special place in your heart…

One Word Photo Challenge: Camera

Have I told you that I left my camera once at the airport on our way home from visiting friends in WA? I did… and I lost it. It never showed up anymore… I hope someone is happy with it now. Fortunately I took the card out and did not lose any pictures. That would have been even worse. And thankfully my friend did not send me the beautiful handmade (and Heartmade) strap yet.

My husband surprised me with a new camera soon after. He made my day then. It has traveled  a fair bit with me so far and it’s a good companion capturing all those beautiful moments for me. Needless to say that I’m much more careful now. I would even go as far as saying that I will never leave it behind anymore…



Inspired by Jennifer Nichole Wells’ One Word Photo Challenge – Camera


OWPC – Camel


It’s been a while since I was riding a camel but it was a good day. Out there, in the red sand of the Australian Outback. You can actually see Uluru (or also called Ayers Rock) in the background.

I was never aware that there are camels in Australia other than in Zoos but then found out that Australia actually has the biggest number of purebred camels in the world (see here).

Inspired by Jennifer Nichole Wells’ One Word Photo Challenge – Camel

One Word Photo Challenge – Bird

I have not participated in this fantastic photo challenge for a while and only just realized it. If you have never heard of the OWC by Jennifer Nichole Wells, then you should definitely head over and check it out. Not only her One Word Challenge but also the Color My World one are fantastic.

I thought this picture might actually combine both of them, although… it’s not really Olive Green… but let’s just pretend it is, shall we?



I love looking at the stars. Unfortunately I’m not a good enough photographer to capture them well enough to display here. Where we live there’s also too much light pollution to see them properly. While we were on our road trip though I was able to gaze up from time to time and really enjoy the beauty of those diamonds in the sky.

We kind of decided to create our own little stars in the backyard by putting up some… well, let’s call them Christmas lights. If our pets don’t push over the solar cells during the day the hedge in the back lights up with heaps of little lights looking as if we managed to bring the stars into our backyard. Combined with a full moon it ends up being a really nice thing to see…


Inspired by Jennifer Nichole Wells One Word Photo Challenge – Night

One Word Photo Challenge – Wildfire

Every summer we have some pretty bad bush fires here in Australia. Fortunately we were never close enough to be able to capture pictures. It would freak me out to be honest. A couple of years ago it got really bad and many people lost their homes and way too many their lives. I admire the ones who returned back home to build up again but on the other side I also don’t understand why you would take the risk again. But I guess you’d always return to the place you call home…

Anyway… here are my two versions of a Wildfire. One from Switzerland and one from Down Under. They’re pretty tame ones, under control and for sure not big enough to be called a Wildfires. But in both cases it was a fire and it was in the “Wild” and that makes it a Wildfire, right 😉


Inspired by the OWPC by Jennifer Nichole Wells – Wildfire

One Word Photo Challenge – Hail

I had to go a little bit back in time although we had hail only just recently here. But I didn’t have my camera handy and it did not have the same significance as it had all those years ago.

Coming from Switzerland originally I sometimes crave being at home and seeing snowflakes falling from the sky. It was on the Swiss National Day back then when the sky suddenly turned really dark and it started to hail. After only a couple of minutes it looked as if it had snowed outside. Everything was white. It didn’t last for very long but enough to give the impression of a fresh layer of snow to me. One happy Swiss-Australian 🙂

Hail1 Hail2

Inspired by the OWPC – Hail.