My Picks Of The Week #43

Without further ado, here are my picks of this week:

Sometimes it fells like we all want the same. Guys need to look a certain way, girls need to look a certain way. But where might it lead us? Trees of Transition brings it to the point: Give short guys a chance. You might miss out on the love of your life otherwise… I would take it a bit further: Give everyone a chance…

“Effective communication is like a dance. Moving together provides a beautiful flow. You might step on each other’s toes a few times but you correct the wrong move and continue dancing.” Loved this sentence and everything else Insight From A Woman’s Heart had to say in this post.

“The choice is yours. The power is yours. But only if you claim it.” This and some other wise words B’s Words mentions in this post are totally worth reading.

Do we really have it all together always? I am not so sure about that. Tempest admits, that she does not. I admire her for being so open about it. And by the way, if you are over there: She is looking for some guest bloggers

Why is it such an issue, if a boy wants to play with a pony? Even if it would be pink, or if he would want to wear a princes dress, it does not matter. Let him play! After all he is just a little boy and the pony is just a toy. Right, California Tennessee? 😉

Talking about cutting some slack: Cut yourself some slack! Life would be so much easier, if we would just go with a “whatever, dude” philosophy every once in a while… I might need to use this too in my future… And here is another great advice on raising a girl.

Expectations can be so hard to handle. In so many ways. They can be crushing, they can make us feel like we have a swarm of butterflies in our tummy. Or they can make us fell bad. Abumble describes so well, what certain expectations can do to you… and she inspired me for my post about expectations as well.

Is it really about us or is it not about us at all? As Laura finds out, sometimes it is not. Maybe sometimes we have to take that step back and analyze what is actually happening.

Originally seen on Janey Does Blogging and decided to going to try this:

So well said by Finding Fab-You-Lous and I hope she will enjoy her stage time!

She did it. She managed to change. And in what an amazing way! Read about Soberista’s journey here. Good on her! Alcohol can have such a huge impact on your life. Talking about how much it can affect a child is Half as long, Twice as bright, who describes what it did to him. And I guess this one probably only scratches on the surface…

Not going to loose a lot of words, as this post of Sofia Wisdom of The Ages speaks by itself.

Do you remember your first “first-time-mom freak out”? Oh, I do… and plenty others… Read all about Kelly’s first time here…Respectively here on Scary Mommy.

Social media… the monster of the internet… and how we get pulled in. Great post by Never Trust A Jellyfish.

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