Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I feel so honored.

Again I got nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”. And not just by one blogger but actually by four! Thank you so much, Click Here To Read More, Marylin Munrow, Galesmind and Just Plain Ol’Vic for nominating me. You too inspire me daily!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog. Done, and thank you all so much again!
2. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do. Done!
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
5. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post.
6. Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog, whether on your side bar, ABOUT page, or a special page for awards.

And now to the even more fun part, the 7 facts about me and the blogs that I choose:

My 7 facts:

1. I don’t like it if people are fake
2. I am kind of not really successful in growing plants… somehow I managed to grow an avocado tree though…
3. Christmas in summer still feels weird to me. Not because of the temperature but because of the fact that it is not getting dark early and all the lights don’t really have that much of an effect until late. 4. We start decorating out Christmas Tree (which is a fake one) on December 1st. The kids are allowed to hang up two ornaments each. Like this the tree is “growing” over time and they get really excited about it. And so do we… (I am just watching them putting them up while writing this)
5. I would totally love it if I could swim in the ocean in the morning and then go skiing in the afternoon.
6. The feeling of sitting on the back of a galloping horse is an amazing feeling and I miss it a lot.
7. I refuse giving up on believing in the good in this world

Now to the blogs in nominate. I will most probably not make it to 15. Not because there are less then 15 out there who inspire me. No! But because it is hard to come up with them now. There are so many of you out there who inspire me daily. Not only through what you write but also by commenting on my posts and the exchange we have through those comments:

NatureSpeak Photos

Mother Hen Diaries

Vancouver Visions


Author Erika Kind

Petals Unfolding


Estelea’s Blog



Kindness Blog

The Dad Letters

Unfortunately I can not nominate the bloggers, who nominated me. It would just not make sense. But they would have been the first ones I would have nominated myself. Including them I would have been able to nominate 15, but heySo do me a favor and head over to these blogs and check them out. Thank you!

If you want to check out what I had to say last time I got nominated and which blogs I chose then, head over here. Again, thank you all so so much!

32 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Reblogged this on galesmind and commented:
    It was a great pleasure to nominate such a generous and kind fellow blogger. I learn a lot from you. I hope my friends check you and the other nominees out. I wish I could have done more than 15 there are so many that have been kind and inspiring to me on Word Press in my short time here.


  2. Honey, here again I say thank you. I LOVE your number 7 by the way and to just let YOU know, I feel the same way. I am so honored that such a wonderful woman would nominate me. (((HUGS))) Amy

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations!! I wish I had written my post sooner so that I could have had you on my list of 15. In any case I have mentioned you 🙂 And before I could come here and let you know you already visited my page and commented! 😀 You’re awesome! you deserve all the love you get and more. Bests, Sam

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First of all: Congratulations to the award. I am happy you were nominated. You are definitely an inspiriation every day! And now thank you for nominating me! I appriciate it a lot although I already feel honored that you take the time, read, like, and/or comment my posts. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Guess who’s been nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award? | Estelea's Blog

  6. I love your seven facts about you. Especially swimming in the ocean in the morning. I’d love to ski too but I’m not very good at it! I admire the people who can so very much. (My husband is an excellent skier!)

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