Blast From The Past – The People We Are Meant To Meet

Do you sometimes wonder why you meet certain people? Well, I do. I also do believe quite strongly in encounters being lessons for you to learn. I strongly believe that you don’t “just” meet someone. Everyone has something to teach you. You might not see it in the beginning but you will eventually. So every encounter, good or bad, will leave you with a lesson. It will leave you with a tool you need in order to grow…

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It’s Been A While

Wow… it’s been a while since I was here. I actually can’t believe it how long I ignored my blog. I guess I just needed the break. For those of you who are my Facebook buddies in real life, you know that I still have my “special” life and thoughts. I just simply didn’t sit down and share it on the blog.

First of all: How are you all doing? I can’t believe you are still following me and reading this! Thank you for that!

So what did this momma do instead of blogging? Well here it is:

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Special is an interesting word. It can mean something good or something bad. It can be seen as a compliment or as a way of describing something which you are not really sure of, not really sure if you think it’s good or bad.

Every now and then I look at my life and have to admit, that I did some things in a special way, in a different way compared to what the norm was.

Image result for meme special

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Tell Me Something Good #131

I had the most wonderful Monday today. So let’s make one thing clear: Monday is not a bad day! It’s a day just like Tuesday or Wednesday, or Thursday. Maybe not as awesome as Friday but it’s a great day. And I struggle with bashing it. So let’s cherish Monday! Cherish it because it is the beginning of a new week. A week you can take charge of, a week you should look forward to because it will bring you many great moments.

So let’s start this week on a positive.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

You know it by now! We are not moving any further without a little happy dance. It really doesn’t matter which style of dancing you like. Just do it. Just dance! Maybe you dance with a group of friends… even if they are different than you, or just by yourself. In any case: Have some fun!

duck dancing GIF

Shake those feathers and move those feet… And when you are sure that you are done (hey, you can always add some more rounds after reading the rest of this post…) here is what I’d like to share with you all today:

“I had the most amazing day today. I decided that I would tackle the beginning of the new week a bit slower than the last couple of weeks. Read a bit, watch some inspiring videos and then go to the beach. Nothing wrong with that. It was a gorgeous day here, 30C and sunny and the beach was just wonderful. The water was nice (not icy), there was only a slight breeze and just a handful of people as lucky as I am. I love to dip my feet in the water this time of the year because it will give me a chill. The water here is basically always cold and no matter of having had a couple of warm days, it wasn’t any different today. But I decided I want more. So found a spot where the water seemed slightly warmer than elsewhere, applied the 5 second rule (counted from 5 backwards) and started to swim. This first moment, when the cold water almost takes your breath away… you know that one? So I was in, swimming a couple of strokes and then I couldn’t help but getting to a more shallow part and stand up. I had goosebumps although the air was very warm. But I knew that from here on it would be so much easier to get back into the water. I swear, it was amazing. I still feel refreshed, although it’s still hot outside. There are so many parallels we can draw in life. Like today with getting into the water. Sometimes we just have to jump, or emerge ourselves in what seems slightly uncomfortable to then find that it’s actually well worth while…”


Often we hold off on things because we think we have to be able to do more. Or better. In “waiting for the right moment” we miss the point. The point is to start. To do. To not wait! Because once you start, you move. And that is already the change you might need…

Tell Me Something Good #129

Happy Monday to you. We are enjoying a long weekend this weekend, which means that many of us have the day off down here in the South part of Australia. And then tomorrow will be the big public holiday: Melbourne Cup Day. When we were Aussie newbies it surprised me that a horse race could actually stop a nation but down here it does. It’s quite a show, I have to say. Celebrities, beautiful gowns (it’s all about who is wearing what and looks the best) and entertainment are as big of a deal as the actual race. And then of course there are all of the people that don’t really know their limits (or don’t care) and drink way too much. Which can make for some pretty funny short movies that then go viral… or create huge drama…

Anyway: It’s a long weekend and that of course is always great. The kids will catch up with their friends and we… well we will just have a bit of a lazy day and catch up on some house or garden work.

So let’s start this week on a positive.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

You know it by now! We are not moving any further without a little happy dance. It really doesn’t matter which style of dancing you like. Just do it. Just dance! Maybe moonwalk, just like the pony (sorry couldn’t help myself, it’s horse week here after all…)

pony dancing GIF

And once you are done, here is what I’d like to share with you all:

“Well, the good thing this week clearly is that it’s a short week due to the long weekend. But it’s also spring and we had some wonderful days recently. Beach days. And that is always a good thing. So while it cooled down yet again we got a taste of summer and the beach once again and all our beach summer gear is ready for some more time in the sand…”

Be There

“You are in charge of your destiny.” How often do we hear this? So often. It’s out there, everywhere… Honestly: As positive as I intend to be, I call this bullshit.

Bullshit, because it’s simply not true.

There is no way we can be in charge of our destiny. Life throws us curve balls all the time. And it’s not as if we would even see it coming. We simply don’t know. It’s like driving a round and coming around a corner and the road has just disappeared. Or maybe it was evened out. But you have simply no way of knowing.

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