Standing Up For What You Think Is Right

The white man in that photo

Today I stumbled across an article posted on Facebook that touched me on many levels. Not only is the story touching and inspiring (I highly recommend you head over and read it) but it also shows how society worked and how fragile we are. On top of that it highlights once again that pictures can be deceiving.

When I looked at the picture for the first time I really saw the two black men with their fists in black gloves and raised while the white guy is standing there, glancing at something. I agree for me as well he seemed not interested, maybe even annoyed about what was going on behind him.

And then I read the story.

And I learned.

I learned about Peter Norman, an Australian athlete, whom this exact moment of glory would cost his career and much more in the aftermath. A man who stood up for what he thought was right although he knew it would cause him issues. A man I would label as incredibly inspirational.

I did not know about him nor how strict the apartheid laws in Australia were at this time. Now I know.

Peter Norman stood up for his two colleagues, he did it in his way which obviously was already too much for his home country. He got stripped off all his glory on return home and banned from competing for his country although he performed well enough to qualify. What he did that day cost him job opportunities as well. He never received an official apology from the government while still alive.

Back in the change-resisting, whitewashed Australia he was treated like an outsider, his family outcast, and work impossible to find. For a time he worked as a gym teacher, continuing to struggle against inequalities as a trade unionist and occasionally working in a butcher shop. An injury caused Norman to contract gangrene which led to issues with depression and alcoholism.

As John Carlos said, “If we were getting beat up, Peter was facing an entire country and suffering alone.” For years Norman had only one chance to save himself: he was invited to condemn his co-athletes, John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s gesture in exchange for a pardon from the system that ostracized him.

A pardon that would have allowed him to find a stable job through the Australian Olympic Committee and be part of the organization of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Norman never gave in and never condemned the choice of the two Americans.

No pardon, no apology from a government until the Sydney Olympics in 2000!

I remember how excited everyone was for the Olympic Games to be held in Sydney back in 2000. I also remember the discussions about the way the native Australian people were treated and how much apparently changed after the Olympics. It seemed like this country had to officially clean up its act. The question is what was really done and what was just “make-up”. But that’s probably material for an entirely different post…

It took the Australian government another 12 years until they finally formally apologized to Norman’s family. Too late for the athlete who passed away in 2006. Mindboggling…

When we moved to Australia we thought it’s a forward moving country. We thought it’s open and human rights are above everything. Obviously it was not the case (yet).

While preparing for our citizenship test a couple of months ago there was that one sentence we read over and over again:

Australians believe in peace, respect, freedom and
equality. An important part of being Australian is
respecting other people’s differences and choices,
even if you don’t agree with those choices. It is about
treating people fairly and giving all Australians equal
opportunities and freedoms, no matter where they
come from, what their traditions are, or whether they
are male or female.

I was trying to find out when the booklet “Australian Citizenship – Our Common Bond” was published for the first time. The earliest I was able to find was 2007… It took the government another 5 year to apologize after publishing an official document in which it was stated that Australia respects other people differences and choices.

I’ve definitely learned a lot today.

Pictures can be deceiving. Words can be equally. So maybe we should try to take a look behind them before we judge and see the real story to it.

23 thoughts on “Standing Up For What You Think Is Right

  1. Throughout history the subjugation of indigenous people was a hallmark of European expansion. In this supposedly more enlightened age, many governments have taken an official position, recognizing and apologizing for past injustices. Here in the USA I know of no official stance that openly recognizes the genocidal attitude toward the Native American. In fact, the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution was written, in part, to specifically to deny them citizenship. The two links below are but small examples of the cultural mores prevalent during the westward expansion of the new American majority. As the “Fighting Parson,” Colonel John Chivington put it, “damn any man who sympathizes with Indians. Kill and scalp them all, big and little. Nits make lice.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am truly touched by this story.
    It’s unbelieveable how long it can take for some people to admit to their mistakes! I would have never guessed that this kind of issue have lasted this long within Australia’s society.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on my personal thing and commented:
    I was reading that same article earlier today and was surprised that I never learned about him in school, yet we learned about Rosie Parks and Martin Luther King and the Stolen Generation and the White Australia Policy. This relates to all of that as well. It’s a pity it was never included in the history lessons we were given during school at the time.


  4. There are many MANY unsung heroes in this world which is a real shame, for they are the ones who others need to look upon for inspiration. It is usually those heroes that get so beat by life, they die unknown and in misery. How sad. This story really touched me today. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve been living under a rock somewhere. I had no idea Australia had racial issues. I always thought of it as so progressive and open. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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