Let’s Get Physical? Oh Hell No!

I don’t like it when parents slap their kids, not at home and especially not in public. There is no place for it. If you get to the point where you lose control over yourself to a point where you have to get physical with someone that is so obviously smaller and weaker than you, then you have really lost a lot. But of course that’s only my point of view. I’ve watched a mom lose it today. Her little boy must have only been just under four (I guess) and I admit he behaved like (excuse my language) a real asshole child.

Image result for when a child hits a child

Yes! I called the child an asshole child. And yes, I believe there are asshole kids out there. Unfortunately. But you know what? I don’t think they were born asshole kids. They were turned into one.

I truly think that there are kids that are easier to handle than others. I believe that we all come into this world with certain tools nicely tucked up in our “luggage” and then over the time we start using them. And we get taught to use them and new tools in a certain way. Some parents teach the right things, some the wrong things and some neglect their kids. I don’t know what happens to the kids that turn out asshole kids or who truly is responsible. I believe though that an asshole child has a tendency to be difficult from the very beginning and then it’s up to the parents to lead by example and to set the boundaries.

But you don’t have to get physical!

I think as a parent you lose big time the moment you hit your child. You lose your control and the child will eventually pick up on it and use it against you. And you lose your child or at least part of his or her respect.

So back to that mom (sorry, I kind of lost myself here…).

She slaps her son. And pretty hard. Of course the noise level which was already above everything gets even higher. Where he was throwing a tantrum before he is now crying his lungs out. Everyone is watching of course. And her reaction? She smiles at us, shrugs her shoulders and says: “That’s what you get if you don’t listen, right?”

Nope. Not right.

If it would be the right way, then why is physical punishment in our society not a must? Why would physically punish a child be okay while physically punishing an adult would not? Why can parents get away with physically hurting their kids while it will create an legal issue if adults get physical with each other?

I really don’t get it. I don’t get how you can approve of hitting a child. I can’t understand how it can become a parenting tool for some families. I really can’t. Funny how in our society it’s not okay if the stronger one physically abuses the weaker. But in parenting it seems to be okay.

To sum it all up, I’d like to use Haim G. Ginott’s words:

When a child hits a child, we call it aggression.
When a child hits an adult, we call it hostility.
When an adult hits an adult, we call it assault.
When an adult hits a child, we call it discipline.”

44 thoughts on “Let’s Get Physical? Oh Hell No!

  1. I agree. Growing up my mom used to discipline me using force. I didn’t really think all that much then since everyone around me was going through the same thing. I wasn’t traumatized or anything and I have long forgiven my mother who was raised in the same way and didn’t know it wasn’t the only way to teach the child a lesson, then. Using force is considered ‘normal’ here in India, I’m not saying everyone here enforces this but I can safely say many of them do. :/

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  2. I have one of those kids that was born difficult. Unfortunately, I can’t say I’ve never used force, but it has been quite a while. I’m still learning. When my son was born, I swore I’d never “spank” like my parents did. It’s hard to retrain your brain to handle things differently and we’re on the right path now. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better” ~ Maya Angelou

    Liked by 4 people

      • I have one of those! I tried many different methods to discipline her, reward and punishment, time out (with me holding the door closed while she was able to overpower me and get it open. I think one time she even broke it!) Came close to “getting it right” when I started taking away her TV privileges, which put as much almost as big a penalty on me as it did on her! This is another of those “nature vs nurture” questions where we as parents always end up second guessing ourselves.

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  3. We all have different parenting styles. I think if it’s used, it should be a last resort and done when calm. My mom spanked us and while it wasn’t pleasant (as it’s not supposed to be), I wasn’t traumatized and neither was my brother or sister. At a certain age my brother and I, at least, weren’t spanked anymore. Probably around the 9-10 year mark. My mom ALWAYS explained why we were in trouble no matter what. She turned to spanking as a last resort which is probably why I feel it should be a last resort. Therefore, it didn’t happen often. She consistently taught us and explained in an age appropriate way, how we were supposed to behave and why doing certain things wasn’t appropriate.

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  4. Never laid a hand on any of my kids. Well, with the exception of a pop of the butt or swat at their hand. We discipline and reinforce teaching just fine without it needing to get physical. And of the 3, one is autistic and one is a bit headstrong. So yeah, they’re difficult! 😃

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  5. You make some good points here, especially with the double standards in regard to spanking. I can’t say though that I’m completely against spanking, as it seems to me that sometimes that is all that seems to get through to a child. My mother spanked me, but only when it seemed absolutely necessary to do so. I had and still have great respect for her. I knew she loved me, even through the discipline. The key that I was always taught, was to never punish anyone when you’re angry. That’s when things get out of control. I spanked my son a few times when he was younger, only at those times when nothing else I tried worked. To me there is a big difference and a thin line between beating someone and disciplining them.

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  6. I was a spanked as a kid. I grew up to be afraid of my parents and distrustful and resistant of any authority figures (like teachers and now bosses). I have an awful time trying to understand what “love” is because it was so distorted through the punishments. I’m in therapy because I have panic attacks anytime anyone around me gets angry for any reason. I am 40 years old but I still always expect to be punished. I bet my therapy bills against anyone who says that spanking is ok and that kids grow out of it.

    This was a great post.

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      • I am the oldest of three. My sister is the youngest and she was raised without spanking and with a much more “reasonable” ideology for punishment and correction. Consequently, she has a completely different relationship with our parents. It is beautiful to watch. As much as it hurt me, I can forgive my parents because I know they were doing their best. A young military family with three kids is very difficult. I give them respect because they worked on doing better with each of the kids. They perfected it with my sister. Unfortunately, what has been done, can’t be undone. But I don’t mind putting in the work so that the cycle ends with me.

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  7. Children need to learn so much, they need to have limits of behavior set. They need to understand what is appropriate and what isn’t. They need to understand that consequences to bad behavior. Whether or not thos elessons include corporal punishment is a debate that I don’t think will ever end.

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  8. Hmmm another perspective… Spanking isn’t absolutely bad when used moderately. If you grew up here, you will be familiar with igbati, igbarun we get from our mothers, and trust me when I say, as adults we grew to be good kids. Like someone said, there’s a big difference between discipline and beating up a child.

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  9. I was raised around a wooden spoon…needless to say we fell in line pretty quickly… that being said…there was an element of fear that always followed me around…and anxiety. It also didn’t help that my parents were abusive to each other both physically and emotionally. In the present…I see a lot of “asshole children” as you say and honestly resorting to physical punishment is tempting…very tempting lol but in the long run I’m not sure it really helps to solve the issue. Great post and thanks for sharing! I found your link at OM’s 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Spanking children is common in Nigeria. It’s been like that before out parents. It is mostly used as a last resort. And truthfully whenever it is used, there is peace for a while. I use it once in a while. Sometimes , it seems we can’t do this parenting job without all form of punishment pit together.

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  11. one thing: you seem to have a “world-wide” spectrum of readers and commenters.

    that aside, i basically agree with you: mostly with your initial “asshole kid(s) … ” from asshole parent inference.

    we have two kids: the older who exceeded our (and most everyone else’s) expectations of a “model kid”, helped us (!) raise her brother — who was not a/the “model kid.” perhaps the yin-yang or shadow/brightness polar-extremes of the parents came out, one part in one child, and …


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