My Picks Of The Week #45

Wondering if I should take out my Christmas decoration already and decorate the house. Why not, right? But before I do that let me list this weeks pick of the week for you. Hope you enjoy them. Happy weekend you all 🙂

Me – Who Am I?
To sugarcoat or not to, that’s the question…

National Geographic
And there’s nothing about it on media…

What a good mantra. Change things on a good day…

Ah Dad…
A brutal wake up…

En Route
The discussions about gun laws will go on and on…

Just Plain Ol’Vic
A great comment… Respect!

Jilldennison’s Blog
Not the only really great post about this subject… shocking…

Rethinking Life
Loved reading this and it made me think of the book “The Snow Child”…

NatureSpeak Photos
A good point in regards to religion…

Not So Cold
A beautiful letter from the author to his younger self…

To check out my previous picks of the week head over here.

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