
Whatever big success you have achieved you should always treat yourself with something. No matter what. For me there are many treats. From simply sitting down and thinking back on the journey to the success to a nice massage or a good meal, to a beautiful walk on the beach or a piece of chocolate.

No matter how small your success might seem to others, for you it might be big. And even if it’s only a little one, treat yourself!

I like chocolate, I like food, I like coffee and I like wine. There’s nothing better than a glass of sparkling wine or Champagne after a victory. At least in my books.


How do you celebrate your achievements?

Inspired by the Daily Post Photo Challenge – Victory

51 thoughts on “Victory

  1. That is a good question…. hmmm…. I think I mostly celebrate it in sharing and enjoying this feeling about growing out of myself and overstepping my comfort zone again. It might be a glass of sparkling wine at times depending on the subject of achievement…. rather not chocolate… haha.

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  2. Most mornings, getting out of bed could be classed on achievement and I “celebrate” with a strong coffee from the machine. I don’t seem to do much to celebrate my writing or blogging victories but seem to buy endless presents for my daughter to seemingly celebrate breathing. Well, its more than that. Gave my son $10.00 to even the score today. Think I need to reward myself more often. xx Rowena

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  3. I sit down and take a break. All day, I work on my feet and constantly run around. Once I accomplish my biggest mission for the day, I allow myself to sit and rest for a few minutes. It may sound odd, but for me that is a reward.

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  4. I like treating myself to a nice lunch (or dinner). As I am typically around people all day at work and then with the family at night, I reward myself with some “me” time doing something I want.

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  5. I celebrate victories with people. At work if my team and I reached a goal, at the next weekly meeting I would provide coffee and goodies from a local shop. For personal victories I cook a good meal and share it with my family. Haha so I celebrate with food and people I love.

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  6. It’s a funny thing for me. I do not celebrate victories. Unless it’s VERY big. Or VERY small. But I see wisdom in the idea of celebrating all the stuff in between.

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  7. Chocolate, ice cream, fermented grape wine tastes…., any bottle of good wine, coffeeeeeee….although am staying away so green tea it is, tea, tea, tea, hot or cold. And of course, lying down at a beach, watching the ocean.

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