The Infinity Dreams Award


What a beautiful surprise to have been nominated for the Infinity Dreams Award. Thank you so much, Amanda, for nominating me! You should really head over and check out her blog When Coffee Meets Rain on which she writes on many different aspects of life. I find her so very bubbly and I would call her blog a happy place. So please pay her a visit!

Here are the rules for the award:

  • Thank and follow the blog that nominated you. Done
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself. Will do
  • Answer the questions that were set for you to answer. Will do
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and set question for them. Will do 🙂

I find listing 11 facts about myself really hard, as I have done that a couple of times before for other nominations. I feel like I’m always repeating myself, but hey, there’s only that much I can tell you (and some thing I’d rather keep private as well…). Let’s see:

  1. Although I’m a red head I do pretty well with baking in the sun. I don’t turn into a lobster that fast… that is, if I’m not tanning in the Australian sun without re-applying sunscreen on a very regular base…
  2. I would rather workout all day than not eat…
  3. I think the smell of horses is better than any expensive fragrance…
  4. I do love my perfume though…
  5. I was too stubborn to learn Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese) when I had the opportunity to…
  6. I do speak 3 languages. German, English and French. My French is rusty though… haven’t used it for way too long…
  7. I love to have friends over. Entertaining them, cooking and enjoying a good meal for them makes me happy.
  8. I can’t get enough of hugs and kisses my kids give me…
  9. I used to be able to hula hoop but just can’t do it anymore…
  10. I always try to remember a good joke but usually forget it or then tell it in a way that actually kills the joke…
  11. Right now there would be so much stuff to do but I prefer ignoring it and blogging instead… (doesn’t make me a bad person, right?)


Now to one of my most favorite parts: Answering your questions:

  1. What is your fave holiday of the year?
  2. Beach or Mountain?
    I would take both if I could, but if I had to choose… beach!
  3. Do you love yourself?
    Most of the time yes. Sometimes not so much. But in that case I usually don’t like one of my reactions rather than myself.
  4. Book or gadget?
    Can I have both?
  5. What is your biggest fear?
    Losing my kids and my husband…
  6. One thing that you never leave behind where ever you go.
    My smile…
  7. Do you have any regret?
    No. I think everything happens for a reason. I would regret not making the best out of something that has happened. But so far that didn’t happen.
  8. If you have one day for relax. What is it like?
    Heading to the beach (an empty one preferably) or going for a long walk somewhere quiet.
  9. Coffee or Tea?
    Tea first thing in the morning and then coffee.
  10. What do you love the most about yourself?
    That although I sometimes have my lows I never give up.
  11. 2015 is almost over. What have you learn so far?
    That every year brings it’s ups and downs. It’s like the ocean. There are always waves to be expected but they don’t have to be destructive. And hey, a good wave can give you exactly the push you might need to move on 😉


Next favorite part: Nominating bloggers:

Before I do that, please let me tell you that I’m aware of the fact that your blog might be award free. I would still love to list you here as a token of my appreciation. Feel free to accept or decline this nomination.

The BeespeakAn Armchair Perfectionist
All In A Dad’s Work
Mark Bialczak
Old Country Girl
Aging Gracefully My Ass
Send Sunshine
How To Survive A Sleep Thief

And now to my questions to you all:

  1. Your greatest strength?
  2. Your greatest weakness?
  3. Your favorite season of the year and why?
  4. What item would you want to save from your burning home if you could only save one?
  5. If you and Bear Grylls would be stranded on a deserted island, with what would you be able to impress him?
  6. If you’d have a bucket list, what would I find on top of the list?
  7. What is the one destination you would love to travel to?
  8. What mystical creature would you like to have as a pet and why?
  9. What other language than yours would you like to be fluent in?
  10. If you could ask one question to a very special person, what and who would it be?
  11. What kind of ice cream flavor would you like to invent?


On another note: One of my posts got featured on Artists4Peace again. Please head over and check out this amazing blog. They are always looking for contributors and I think it’s important to keep up hope and find a peaceful way to get along on this planet.

39 thoughts on “The Infinity Dreams Award

  1. Awwww… thank you so much for taking this nomination and do the task. I really… really.. really like you and your blog and love every single positive vibes in it ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats, my infinite dreamer!!! So much in common when I read your facts and answers! I am speaking the same languages but my French is also rusty… lol! I imagine it must look awesome to have a nice tan to your red hair!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats I love this award! Enjoy reading your blog, though I’m not able to comment regularly because of my exams 😁 hope you have a great rest of the week! Xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats on your nomination! Also, I too love the smell of horses. Most inviting smell I know. Makes me think of home. I also like you statement about waves. It’s up to us if we want to surf the wave or let it take us under the water. I rather surf.

    Liked by 1 person

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