Share Your Wold – 2016: Week 15

Here’s another bunch of questions from Cee’s Share Your World Challenge. I like the challenge because her questions make you think just a little bit deeper and they also give you a change of telling your blogging friends a little bit more about you.

Name one thing not many people know about you.
What is there to tell you that not many people know and I actually feel comfortable telling?… Not an easy one… I shared a bunch of facts about me over time in the award posts I’ve written… So by now you know that I’m a red head and not tall. You know that I like horses and that I’m originally Swiss. You know that we homeschool and what kind of questions drive me nuts. Thinking about it I have just realized that I should call a friend of mine again. Someone who is more like an aunt to me and not many people know that I call her on a regular base. She just makes me feel good. She has such a beautiful spirit and chatting with her always brings a smile on my face. I have not called her for weeks and I definitely will do it later today, as soon as it’s morning on her side of the world.

If a distant uncle dies and you were always his favorite and leaves you $50,000 (any currency) in his will, what would you do?
I would happily accept it and say a little thank you to him in my mind.

Where do you hide junk when people come over?
Hey, that could actually be an answer for the first question as well, right? There’s this one drawer and then there’s my husband’s office. And there’s our bedroom… just depending on how much there is to hide…

Complete this sentence:  I want to learn more about …
…how to eat healthier without missing out on too much…

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 
I’m grateful for the amazing time we had with friends, for all the giggles and stories we shared. I’m grateful to know that there’s always someone there if you need someone. I’m grateful to see the quality of friends my kids have and how much fun they both had with them and doing their activities. Just simply grateful for my life.


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