

It’s a lovely day today in our beautiful city. The birds are singing and the sun is out, the bees are busy doing there thing and the trees are blossoming. We had a lovely catch up with friends and heaps of fun. What makes this day even more lovely is the nomination for the One Lovely Blog Award that I received from fellow mom Alyssa who is blogging for her little daugther at Dearlilyjune.

Thank you my newly found blogger friend for your lovely nomination and the lovely words you used to describe my blog. You truly made my day!

Of course there are always “rules” to every award. So here we go:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to them. Done
  • Share 7 facts about yourself. See below
  • Nominate at least 10 bloggers you admire and contact them to let them know. I will get to that too…

Over the last two years I have probably shared all the random facts I’m happy to share with you but I will try to come up with some new ones…

  1. As a child I used to suck my thumb and play with my hair to fall asleep…
  2. I don’t like it when the bed is not made. It drives me nuts but I don’t need it to look like in a catalogue. Just straighten the sheets, give the pillows a bit of a shake and let some fresh air in. Done.
  3. If you want to make me upset, make me iron cloths… I really don’t like ironing…
  4. I can crochet and I can knit. I know how to use a sewing machine too (but I’m not good in that). Learned it all in school. Girls had to learn to do that and to cook while boys learned how to work with wood and stuff… talking about stereotypes…
  5. Thanks to my Dad I know how to use a hammer too. I wish though I would have learned more about cars and mechanics. It’s something I find pretty cool for a girl / woman to know… and you can’t be fooled…
  6. I have no clue what to dress up as on Halloween and Siri was not much of a help either, suggesting I should go as a pumpkin…
  7. I have no clue what to write now… no additional random fact… I can’t brain today… 😉

Now to my nominees:

Honestly, guys, you know me by now. I really struggle with this a lot. Not because I think you don’t deserve a mention here or because you are not lovely enough. Nope. Because you all deserve a mention and you all are lovely! So how to choose???

I decided to just go down the easy path and choose the 10 bloggers who have commented most recently on or liked one of my posts. So here we go, consider yourselves nominated and I of course understand if your blog is award free. It’s a way to say thank you for leaving your mark on my blog:


Settle In El Paso (a blog I have yet to discover but it does look like a lovely place to hang out…)


Mirror & Soul


I Didn’t Have My Glasses On

Grandfathersky (just such a lovely place…)

Kimmy’s Patio

Waking The Wombat

Grubbs N’ CrittersGrubbs N’ Critters

Image result for quote you are lovely

15 thoughts on “Lovely

  1. I like the made made as well. In fact, I think it’s a habit developed from boarding school. Making the bed once I rise makes me feel good. Enjoy your lovely day and congratulations on your award.
    You are invited to my Blog-O-Ween taking place right now. Some ghouls are waiting 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you! I’ll have to catch up when I am at my desk and PC. Typing on the iPad is a chore. One thing to know if fixing cars is how to loosen nuts and bolts. Don’t yank on the wrench until it snaps, it’s a sure way to a “knuckle buster” use the length of wrench appropriate for the situation or a breaker bar. Start by learning to change a tire. There’s a lot of physics in that! YouTube is a great place for instruction.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on your blogging award! I’ve just realised you nominated me which was a real surprise too – I didn’t receive a ping back as I think there is something wrong with the link – maybe because I’m Waking the Wombat not Walking (although I’d love to do that 🙂 ) I’m with you on the bed making thing too although Chief is the last one up and does it in our household – win win!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have found many other “lovely” fellow bloggers, many of whom I now follow, by linking to blogs you have mentioned, so I plan to check out some of the bloggers you have referenced here as well, somewhere down the road. Interestingly, I can also crochet and knit, skills I didn’t learn in school but pretty much learned from Mom. I also know how to use a sewing (not sowing) machine. I did learn this skill in school. when like you, I guess, girls had to learn to do that and to cook while boys learned how to work with wood and stuff. I agree that these skills were taught since they fell into stereotypes at the time but really they are still handy skills to have for any and all genders. It’s also never too late to learn how use a hammer, or a screwdriver or how to repair a car or plumbing or anything electrical. That’s why I’ve always told my kids I didn’t care what they decided to do for a living as some of these skills will probably always be required to live in this world!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I couldn’t agree more with you and I think learning all those skills are still essential. Unfortunately it seems that they are no longer part of a curriculum in schools. But definitely something that should be taught at home.


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