Share Your World – January 30th, 2017

We are getting so close to the end of the first month of 2017. I can’t believe it has gone already. For me it will be about finding back to my normal routine now and spending some time again outside, on the beach, doing hikes, enjoying nature. Funny enough Cee’s first question in her Share Your World Challenge goes down that line. If you have not participated in this fun blog challenge, you should really check it out and give it a go. It’s honestly heaps of fun and I like how her questions always inspire me, bring up memories and allow me to share a new side to me with all of you.

Image result for image great ocean road

What is the most incredible natural venue that you’ve ever seen in person?
There are actually a couple I find worth mentioning. First of all I would say traveling along our Great Ocean Road here in Victoria, Australia. It’s just such a beautiful sight and I can only recommend visitors to do the drive. The picture above is not mine but I have ton’s of them on a drive I have not with me that are actually very similar.

Image result for image pacific coast highway
We’ve done the Pacific Coast Highway too, which was just stunning. A bit tricky at the time we did it as we only flew in the night before and were really tired. On top of that my daughter doesn’t handle turns that well so she had her moments where she felt really unwell. But with a couple more stops than we had planned to do we managed the drive from LA to Monterey pretty well and were happy to then stay with friends and enjoy the area there.

There is one natural venue that as Swiss I always felt tourists need to see but kind of never felt the urge to head there personally. It would be one of the things I always considered “close enough to not do it now because I have plenty of time to do it later”. So I’m glad we actually made it there and that after a couple of days of bad weather with low hanging clouds the Matterhorn eventually revealed itself to me after all on the very last morning we were up there.

Image result for image matterhorn

How many siblings do you have? What’s your birth order? 
I have one younger brother who I’m not close to, never was and never will be. People are often surprised when I give them this answer. It’s as if just because you are blood related and grew up together you have to be close. We never were. When growing up it felt like being room mates, people who share their accommodation but otherwise have nothing in common. It surprises people when I say that but it is what it is. We just never clicked. We never had the chemistry and in that sense we never really found that bond.

If you were a shoe, what kind would you be and why?
I would be a runner. They’re comfortable, they are nice and they can be worn at all time.


What is the strangest/weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Not sure how weird it might be but for me the strangest I’ve ever got served was possum. I couldn’t really get myself to eat it as I thought they were related to rats much closer than they actually are. It was on a tasting platter in a “true Australian food” restaurant including Wallaby (Kangaroo), Crocodile, maybe Emu meat and possum. I ate the crocodile and the wallaby and only had a little taste of the possum. I’m honestly not sure if there was Emu at all. I didn’t like the possum meat as it was super greasy and just yuck. I liked the crocodile. It tasted like chicken actually. And if figured it would eat me too if it had the chance to. In regards to kangaroo meat: It’s actually really tasty but I struggled with the idea of eating a kangaroo. I just like them. But then a calf or a baby deer are beautiful and sweet too…


Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I will start with what I’m looking forward to. I’m looking forward to getting back into my normal routine. I’m looking forward to enjoying spending more time again with my kids and taking them to the beach and on hikes. They are back to their school schedule soon again but we will find our moments in which we can head out. I enjoyed my couple of weeks of work and being “out there” again, dealing with all those people, nice ones, cranky ones, fun ones. I feel energized again and ready to be back in my usual role. It’s strange to say that, I know but it is what it is. I enjoy this block of intense work. It makes me feel exhausted but energized at the same time. Exhausted because it is intense. Energized because it’s different to what I normally do and it’s what I used to do before I had kids. Energized because 99% of the people we deal with are happy and excited and this translate to you. This is also what I’m grateful for from last week. And the other 1%? Well, they disappear 🙂

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30 thoughts on “Share Your World – January 30th, 2017

  1. I’ve had possum stew. I don’t remember what it tasted like, but I don’t remember it tasting bad. I wonder if our opossum is the same as Australia’s possum? Hold on a second… Well, extensive research (a thirty second Google search) tells me they’re different creatures. So my possum stew was not the same meat as your possum dish. Ah well.

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  2. I’ve had a platter tasting of emu, camel and kangaroo in the Flinders that was pretty different! I’ve never had possum though. Great post Sandra. I love the Great Ocean Road too

    Liked by 1 person

    • The funny thing is that we ate there in 2002 when here on business. Then a year later we mentioned the place to someone heading over here for the Open and they wanted to go but it was closed… and that was a place on Lygon St… So not sure if the possum was bad or if it was the cooking… my husband was sick afterwards for 3 days… 😉


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