Get To Know Me Tag

Sometimes you stumble across a fun little Q&A and you decide to take part in it. And then you realize that you were actually tagged to participate. Just happened here! Thanks, Eric, I’m totally up for it…

Rules? No rules. Just answer the questions and tag a few people…

0. Share your profile picture if you have one.


1. Who are you named after? I wanted to be as smart as Eric and mention some famous Sandra born before 1970… but none came to my mind… any suggestions? Maybe I was just named Sandra because my parents liked the name???

2. Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, I do. Others? Depends on how rushed I am when writing… 😉

3. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Chicken… If there is roast beef left I happily go for that too. I try to keep the meat to dinner thought.

4. Longest relationship?
Current one. Approaching 16 years of blissful togetherness 🙂

5. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes, I do 🙂

6. Would you bungee jump?
No, unless it’s part of my participation in Amazing Race… if I ever get there…

7. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Funny that Eric answered he would untie only his running shoes but not the other ones. It’s the total opposite for me. I don’t untie my workout shoes but I untie all the others.

8. Favorite ice cream?
Something with vanilla, chocolate, crunchy stuff and caramel in it. And boom, I’m happy. If you then add some fresh raspberries to the ice cream I’m even happier…

9. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Good question… I guess if they look at me when we talk. So it would be their eyes. And then just their general vibe. Their smile. Fake or honest. It’s the eyes thought that say a lot about a person.

10. Football or baseball?
I like both. Hang on, do we speak football in the sense of soccer or football in the sense of football? Not a huge fan of football as such but just because I didn’t grow up with it. Soccer though I like. And baseball too.

11. What color pants are you wearing?
Black. It’s black or jeans 99% of the time.

12. Last thing you ate?
A wrap with lettuce, chicken, tomato and some sauce.

13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Can’t make my mind up. Torn between Hot Magenta and Purple Pizzazz…

Image result for crayon colors

14. Favorite smell?
The smell of fresh air in nature.

15. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
One of the soccer moms of one of the soccer teams of the club I volunteer for…

16. Hair color?
In Crayon language: Dark Venetian Red…

17. Eye color?
Let’s stick to Crayon colors: Burnt Umber with a hint of Forrest Green…

18. Favorite foods to eat?
Nice piece of beef and all kind of vegetables and salads. Yep, honestly… I love my veggies.

19. Scary movies or happy endings?
I hate scary movies…

20. Last movie you watched?

21. Favorite Holiday?
Christmas. Yep. It has to be Christmas.

22. Beer or Wine?
Most certainly wine. Red wine, white wine or sparkling wine? All of them…

23. Night owl or early bird?
Both. Unfortunately…

24. Favorite day of the week?
Every day of the week can be my favorite day of the week.

24 1/2. Which three of your favorite bloggers you would like to know more about? (link to their about page if they have one)
Harsh Reality
Dream Big, Dream Often
But I smile Anyway…

25. Who were the  latest three people to follow your blog (link to their about page)?
Letters from LockeOld House In The Shires and Musings Of A Pseudo-Writer

100. Copy this link (or mine?)

And done! Now that wasn’t that hard. It was actually fun… kind of reminded me of the post about questions nobody ever asks that I shared a little while back. That was fun too…

Image result for gif lets have fun

23 thoughts on “Get To Know Me Tag

  1. Pingback: Get To Know Me Tag | But I Smile Anyway...

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