Which Way Challenge – 15th September, 2018

I take a lot of pictures. Mostly with my iPhone at the moment actually. I’m often surprised how well the pics turn out. The Which Way Challenge is one of the photo challenges I really enjoy.

The rules:

It’s all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

There won’t ever a topic to this challenge.  All you need have is the “way” visible and the main focus of your photo.  Here is a list of acceptable “ways”:

  • Roads:  gravel, asphalt, cobbled, dirt, freeway, expressway, highway, bridges
  • Indoor walkways:  hallways, aisles, people movers
  • Outdoor walks:  sidewalks, paths, trails
  • Stairs, elevators, escalators, or steps:  indoors, outdoors
  • Railway tracks, monorails, ski lifts
  • Runways and tarmacs
  • Ferry’s, canals and locks
  • Parking lots, private driveways
  • Tunnels
  • Signs of any kind:  directional, informational, store signs, wind 💨 vanes
  • Maps that are posted as signs

And here is my entry for this week:


Which Way Challenge

Another one of the amazing challenges that Cee has created but unfortunately is unable to run any longer. I have participated on and off in it and I’m actually super happy that the challenge has found a new host in sonofabeach96, a blogger that I love to have a connection with.

The rules for the challenge remain the same under the new host:

This Which Way challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

There won’t ever a topic to this challenge.  All you need have is the “way” visible and the main focus of your photo.  Here is a list of acceptable “ways”:

  • Roads:  gravel, asphalt, cobbled, dirt, freeway, expressway, highway, bridges
  • Indoor walkways:  hallways, aisles, people movers
  • Outdoor walks:  sidewalks, paths, trails
  • Stairs, elevators, escalators, or steps:  indoors, outdoors
  • Railway tracks, monorails, ski lifts
  • Runways and tarmacs
  • Ferry’s, canals and locks
  • Parking lots, private driveways
  • Tunnels
  • Signs of any kind:  directional, informational, store signs, wind vanes
  • Maps that are posted as signs

Here is my take on it for this week…

Cee’s Which Way Challenge – November 20th, 2017

When I was studying I had to move from my little mountain town to the next city. That also meant I would spend most of the winter days in thick fog. I really didn’t mind the fog that much. Probably because I knew I would be able to escape it over the weekend. But I realised what it could do the someone’s psych.

There is hardly any fog where we live now. In fact it’s so rare that I get super excited when we get some. Today (not at home but while traveling) I got one of the foggy, wet and cold days Again that I remember from back in the days. And I loved it.

While I was out there walking I listened to the fog horn out there and couldn’t stop thinking how hard it must have been for ships back in the day to find their way to safe shores…

This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge

Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – July 14th, 2017

In a way experiencing new things and new places always opens up new paths, new ways of thinking and new ways of approaching things. At least I think so. It’s almost like re-wiring your brain. You see something new, it opens up the many different little channels in your brain, dusts off the cobwebs and makes you fresh again.

While we often dream of a getaway to exotic places a simple short roadtrip and an overnight stay can do magic already. I’m still bubbling from what I’ve experienced this week. Still trying to find the right words to describe what I felt standing up there on that lookout. But I can’t. There are simply no words and I also know that the pictures will not do it any justice either. So here is my take on Cee’s Which Way Challenge for this week.

While I was there, enjoying all those breathtaking views I often wondered which way you would take when down there in the woods. I realized how fast you could get lost. But I also figured how much you would probably find yourself while being there. One bit at a time…

When out and about it always amazes me as well how nature finds a way. Like water through the rocks, like plants find a way to grow.


This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge


Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – May 19th, 2017



I was wondering lately if the seal also asks itself which way to go on occasion or if it’s always clear to it where it wants to go…

This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.



Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – March 31st, 2017


Sometimes you seem to only see the obstacle rather then the way around or over it. Don’t focus on them. When we start looking closer or further we will realize that there is always a way. We just need to see it and believe in ourselves!

This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge


Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – March 24th, 2017

While we believe we know where we are heading we still never know for sure what will wait for us when we reach our destination. We might be in control about the way we choose to get there but not about the result we will find in the end…

This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge


Cee’s Which Way Challenge – March 17th, 2017

If you have visited Hong Kong you probably know about the escalators and the fact that they only work in one direction on certain times of the day. For some hours of the day they only take people downhill, while then later in the day they will only take you up.

In a way it resonates with what life is all about. We encounter moments where everything seems to go downhill only, while in others the only way is up. If we are not aware of the specific times the direction changes we will be taken by surprise. While we can chose by what time we hit the escalators in Hong Kong and therefor are prepared for the direction they will take us, we do not have this luxury in life.

This doesn’t mean though, that we have to let it all drag us down. There is always another way too. Just like with the escalators. Although the ride on them would be the much more comfortable one, we can also just take the stairs, although it means we have to work harder. But it will take us in the direction we want to go and we are no longer just a passive passenger…


This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge


Cee’s Which Way Challenge – March 10th, 2017

When I watch ships out there on the horizon I often ask myself the question how many times sailors must wonder which way they are really going and if it is the right one, no matter of their navigation systems. Especially centuries ago when they were out on their discovery journeys, navigating with the stars. I ask myself how often they found themselves questioning if the way they have chosen will actually get them somewhere and wondering what they will find when they arrive.

Sometimes the way we chose is clear, with a clear goal in sight. Sometimes it’s not. But no matter if this is the case we still never truly know if we will actually end up where we want to be or if life will through us a curve ball that will guide us to an entirely different outcome…

This challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, etc. we move from one place to another on.  You can walk on them, climb them, drive them, ride on them, as long as the specific way is visible.  Any angle of a bridge is acceptable as are any signs.

Inspired by Cee’s Which Way Challenge
