Nominated Again

Wow! After I got nominated for “One Lovely Blog Award” and “Liebster Award” a couple of days ago, I am thrilled to let you know that five more bloggers nominated me for those awards (4 for the “Lovely Blog Award” and one for the “Liebster Award”). I know this sounds a bit weird, but I really really hope I did not forget anybody. Otherwise please send me a big shout out!

So I decided to write this short little post and share 7 more random facts about me. You can find my post about the previous nomination here and here.

So thank you so much Tidlidim, Lucile De Godoy , The Metamorphosis of a Wallflower and The Sound Of Summer think that my blog is one lovely blog πŸ™‚ and Travelling True North (I answered her questions in the comments to this post) sent another “Liebster Award” my way. Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate this!

So here are some more random facts about me:

1. I’ve learned the meaning of “toxic people” already a while ago and I decided at a fairly young age, that I don’t need them in my life.

2. I’ve learned only recently that you can truly love someone but that this does not mean that you have to like this person as well. And in that case: I really really don’t like this person πŸ˜‰

3. Sometimes I just don’t want to play Barbie… but I still do, because it makes my little girl very happy.

4. I really don’t understand how you can lay a hand on someone you claim to love, especially kids. There are just no excuses for physical abuse. And I am aware that mental abuse is brutal as well… unfortunately it does not “show” right away…

5. I consider myself a shorty… 162cm… not really tall πŸ˜‰

6. My husband thinks the world is lucky I am not responsible for world peace as I would probably be able to kick of WWIII…

7. I have the tendency to destroy an really good argument because I simply can not stop and boom… I take it too far and people can not take me serious anymore…

So, see, it is better I stick to writing. At least I can edit it again and again if necessary πŸ˜‰

Have a great day everyone…

6 thoughts on “Nominated Again

  1. We’re already buddies in the blogosphere and I now see that it had one more reason…at least 3 of your facts fit me very well! I’m a shorty too. πŸ˜‰
    Let more awards come! You deserve ’em all!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t we all deserve them? πŸ™‚ It is nice to be recognized… But you know what: I get so much out of just writing. And if someone responds I am already very happy. To then get nominated for one of those awards it’s like the cherry on the cake (and I do love cherries…).


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