Sisterhood Of The World Award


How exciting! Another award! I feel so honored. It is so nice to see how much you seem to appreciate my blog. Thank you so so much, all of you! And a special thank you goes out to A Champa Tree for nominating me for the Sisterhood Of The World Award!

Now, let’s get to “business”:

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. Done

2. Put the Award logo on your blog. Done

3. Answer the ten questions sent to you. Coming up

4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Coming up

5. Nominate seven blogs. Won’t be easy…

Here my questions to answer:

1. What do you like to tell the readers through your blog?
I guess that we all are in the same boat. We all struggle and we all fight our little battles. But no matter what giving up should never be an option, no matter how big the obstacle. There is always a way.

2. Which is the most beautiful post that you would like to revisit from time-to-time (could be from your blog or any other blog)?
I honestly can not point my finger on one. There are so many. And if I see one I reblog it or I mention it in my Picks Of The Week.

3. One topic that you can write endlessly on..
A little while ago I would have said my kids and being a mom. Now I would say life in general, what we encounter, how we deal with it, how we try to solve it. I feel my blog is evolving into a direction I would have not thought it would go. It’s good, you know.

4. Your favorite song of all time. Share a few lines with us please!
And again, I can not put down one song. Not because I am lazy. I love to hear my daughter sing. I think she has a beautiful voice and I so hope she keeps singing. She makes up songs and I am usually very impressed about what she comes up with. She is only little but already so wise…

5. Your favorite movie and why?
I love all the kids movies. From Frozen to How to Train a Dragon to The Guardians and so on. The have a message, they make you laugh, they are fun and there is no violence.

6. What is this one thing that you do first thing in the morning πŸ™‚
I go to the bathroom πŸ˜‰ And then I make breakfast for the kids and tea for me. Very often my son is already up by the time I am ready so I give him a big hug and kiss. And then when little Missy shows up she gets a big hug and kiss.

7. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?
I would love to make people more peaceful.

8. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
My family. My husband, my kids. Being the family we are. Going through thick and thin together.

9. What is your most treasured memory?
The birth of both of my kids.

10. What would constitute a perfect day for you?
Spending it with my family (and friends) and being healthy and happy. I feel that very often in our life we get frustrated with things that don’t go the way we would like them to go. And we forget what we actually have. For me a perfect day is when I can go to bed, knowing that everyone I care about is healthy.

Wow, they were good questions. Now I need to come up with some questions for my nominees…

Here are my questions:

1. If you could travel to the future, only to one specific time, when or what would it be and why?

2. Who do you consider the most influential person in the world?

3. Do you speak more languages than your mother tongue? If yes, how many and which one(s)?

4. What would top your bucket list right now?

5. If you could be an animal for a day, which one would it be and why?

6. Who is your favorite Character in a book, TV Show or Movie and why?

7. What advice would you have loved to have been given when you were young?

8. Are you happy?

9. What is the question people as on a regular base which annoys you the most and why does it annoy you so much?

10. Which quote you feel could have been written for you or your life?

And now for my nominees:

Teaching To Learn
Dances With Fat
Zen And Pi
Jennifer Nichole Wells
Time For My Thoughts

I went one over πŸ™‚ Does not matter, right ;-). I actually at the same time also got nominated again by Weight2Lose2013 for the Versatile Blogger Award, which I posted about just recently.

Again thank you all for always coming over and commenting and liking and just being inspiring!

34 thoughts on “Sisterhood Of The World Award

  1. Oooh good questions! If I was answering these questions I would have sooooo much fun answering #6! I know the answer right off the bat! My family teases me mercilessly…because I make it so obvious!!!!!
    Although I’m kinda glad I don’t have to answer those questions…#8 is tricky…

    Liked by 1 person

      • 1. If you could travel to the future, only to one specific time, when or what would it be and why?
        I’d never travel to the future. Don’t want to know anything ahead of time that might affect my decisions. I want to live my life just as it is…
        2. Who do you consider the most influential person in the world?
        Albert Einstein.
        3. Do you speak more languages than your mother tongue? If yes, how many and which one(s)?
        No, but I wish.
        4. What would top your bucket list right now?
        Getting everything on my to-do list accomplished. I can’t remember the last time that happened.
        5. If you could be an animal for a day, which one would it be and why?
        Bird, because then I could fly.
        6. Who is your favorite Character in a book, TV Show or Movie and why?
        Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, played by RenΓ© Auberjonois.
        7. What advice would you have loved to have been given when you were young?
        Talk about your problems to people who care about you. Otherwise you’ll become as much an introspective basket case as Odo is. I may like Odo, but I would *never* idolize him. What a nightmare.
        8. Are you happy?
        Tough question. Depends on the definition. Excitement happy? Or contentment happy? I have no idea. Neither, or both, or sometimes either…I’m not sure.
        9. What is the question people as on a regular base which annoys you the most and why does it annoy you so much?
        “Do you want to see what else I made on Minecraft?” No, I want to do my own thing for a while, you’ve been telling me what else you did on Minecraft for the past six months with no end in sight.
        10. Which quote you feel could have been written for you or your life?
        “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” If only I’d heard it sooner. I try, but I have a feeling I fail.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sure most parents can. And I’m not even a parent yet…oh what torture will I undergo? lol. I had a hard time with #10, but I figured since I’d used Einstein to answer #2, I might as well use one of my favorite quotes from him. He also said “Imagination is more important than knowledge” but I don’t believe that. Knowledge is power.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on another well-deserved award. I loved your answers to all the questions and I loved your questions for your new nominees. Congratulations to all you new nominees also.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Sisters We Are | A Momma's View

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