
Image result for coffee image

Welcome! It’s so good to have you over. Come in. What can I offer you? Coffee? Tea? Just a glass of water? Really, it’s easy, I’m happy to make you a cuppa as Australians use to say. Mild? Sugar? Would you like your milk foamed? Cold? Warm?

Please, have a seat.

Did you know that my kids have made tons of little clips and managed to create their own show which is now over an hour long? It’s mostly nonsense but they managed to cover all our travels we’ve done over the past 2 years. The clips are hilarious and it’s so much fun to watch them make them. You might actually experience a little bit of it as they were just talking about making a new one later today. It will be fun… loud but fun… you will see.

We’ve spent all of Sunday inside watching all the dancers of my daughter’s dance school perform. It was fantastic. They all did so well and they all look after each other so well. I think it’s so nice to see how the older girls take the little ones under their wings and help them out whenever they need something.

Image result for poop emoji

It was such a long day and I really felt sorry for the dogs. Although we took them for a walk before we left they were locked up till late and… well… when we got home they left me more than one little present… At least we didn’t step in it… But I would have preferred not to have to whip up something to eat that late and clean up after the dogs as well…

I admit I got upset with both of them but then I also felt for them. It was too long and I really need to make sure we have a better plan if next year turns out to be running on a similar schedule. I should have mentioned our dogs before you came over. You knew we have dogs, didn’t you? I hope you don’t mind the dogs and the cat…

Just ignore Psycho Midget by the way. It’s not as if she doesn’t get any attention here. She is always so needy, or should I say pushy, after we spend some time away from her. Must be the rescue puppy thing… I think she might be worried we leave her behind if we go away. It drives Monster Dog nuts, you know. Psycho Midget can be pushy. See! She’s on it again! Poor Monster Dog is trying to get away from her, but when Psycho Midget decides that she wants to lick her ears she licks her ear, if Monster Dog is happy about it or not. Oh and here is Crazy Cat.

Yes, I know, he just walked straight into the wall… he does that from time to time. He’s blind, you know. Usually he is fine but when he is rushed or not focused he sometimes hits the wall. I think he feels embarrassed. Let’s just not make him realize that we actually saw it. He thinks he’s hiding now, waiting for Psycho Midget to walk past so he can attack her. He likes that game and it’s funny to watch. Sometimes he actually manages to surprise her. Not today though… His hiding spot is just too bad…


More coffee?

Sorry for being so sweaty by the way! I just finished my workout. Oh, I struggled today. But I actually beat my personal best in regards to time. It’s one of the time challenge workouts. 10 workouts with 60 reps each as fast as possible and I beat my 28 minutes. Just by a couple of seconds but anyway. I’m happy I did. Sometimes I feel like giving up in the middle of it. I think it’s just too hard. I think about adjusting it. But then I decide to keep pushing. And when I’m finally done with the last exercise it feels so good!

I’m kind of doing this healthy eating and working out “challenge” with Danny. Not that I have to follow anything but he wrote a post recently stating that he wants to be healthier and that he starts now and asked who would join him on the journey. So I “signed up”. I feel it’s even more motivation if you have someone “watching you”. Kind of kicks your butt, you know.

Besides the physical gains I get from my workouts I feel that it also does something to my mind. Those moments, you know, when I want to give up because I feel I simply can’t anymore but then push through. We all have those moments in our normal life too, right. When you hit that wall, almost like crazy cat just did. And the force of it almost knocks you out. And then you sit there and think “screw it” because you don’t want to fight it any longer. You just want to stop there. Just want to stop pushing and just give up. Take the easy way.

Honestly, all those moments working out, pushing through, have made an impact on the way I deal with situations in general. I know that I can push through. I know that it won’t be easy but that it will feel good once I’ve reached my goal. So I keep pushing. Funny what you can gain from exercising…

Anyway… you asked me about my novels… I know, I know… I really need to get to it. I just finished reading “The Girl On The Train”. Have you read it? The movie is out… but I wanted to read the book before I watch the movie. It’s a good book. Sounds a bit cocky but you know what? I thought that it was a great story but that my novels are pretty good too compared to this one. So who knows. If I can finally move my butt in regards to the novels we might find out… I will keep you posted…

I know we need to leave it here. You have to go already and I desperately need a shower. We should do this again next week. Maybe we can catch up on one of my cheat days so I can make some brownies for us šŸ˜‰

#weekendcoffeeshare , #everydayinspiration


17 thoughts on “Coffee?

  1. Enjoyed having coffee with you and the antics of your animals šŸ™‚
    I had to make myself work on my book last night, for yes time can get away from you like you said. What are your novels about?
    Enjoy your hot shower and have a great day! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for tea! I will be looking for those brownies next time! That was an okay book. My neighbor lent her copy to me. She recommended to me actually. It seemed like it was a great concept, but not delivered in the best way. I’d like to see the movie. Great job on the work out! I haven’t exactly gotten back into a regular running routine, but I have been getting out a couple times a week. I’d love to start running 4 times again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • While reading I honestly thought “well, I could do that too”. Not that it actually means a lot. I guess the movie will be good. Maybe one of the times the movie ends up better than the book… Good on you for starting again! The routine will follow!!!

      Liked by 2 people

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