It’s Been A While

Wow… it’s been a while since I was here. I actually can’t believe it how long I ignored my blog. I guess I just needed the break. For those of you who are my Facebook buddies in real life, you know that I still have my “special” life and thoughts. I just simply didn’t sit down and share it on the blog.

First of all: How are you all doing? I can’t believe you are still following me and reading this! Thank you for that!

So what did this momma do instead of blogging? Well here it is:

My last couple of months were filled with passion. Passion for what I do. And passion for knowing what I don’t want to do. I’ve applied for a part time job I thought would be the right fit for me but I had to discover that it wasn’t. It didn’t work. And so what I thought would be and amazing next chapter in my life turned into a quick little adventure that had to end as quick as it started. The lesson I learned was, that your work environment can have a massive impact on you. On your mood but also on your physical well being. And if those are out of wack it will have a massive impact on your family as well.

So I listened. I was gutsy enough to say no to something that would have not served me and my family well. The decision was not an easy one as the additional income would have been good. Life works in a great way though. I soon discovered that thanks to me not staying on, I was able to continue with my event role I love so much and actually make the same amount of money in a shorter time there. Plus I was back having my quality time with my kids, which is the most important thing in my life. My family is my passion.

Now there were many moments the work “passion” came to mind during working for my most favorite event in the world. Often it was at 4.30am in the morning on my way to my first shift. It takes passion to start work as early as that and still laugh all day and keep your good mood. Often it was when grumpy people gave our team a hard time (which this year didn’t happen that often). It takes passion to turn that frown upside down. It was also when you dealt with so many people that at the end of the day you wondered if you ever looked anyone you talked to in the eyes.

It fuels your passion when you see someone in a bad mood and you say to that person that it seems he had a bit of a rough day and the answer is “yes, I almost died today and now I feel like shit…” I continued with “why would you feel like shit? You are alive. You are here. About to see your wife who you just said is waiting for you with your friends to go see some tennis. You get to do that. I understand it was a massive experience but how awesome is it that you are standing here now, talking to me?” It does fuel your passion when you see the face light up, the smile return and when that person then stretches his hand out to give you a handshake and thanks you for what you just said… “You just made my day!” That’s probably the best thing to hear.

Novak Djokivic is right when he says: “Most importantly you should love what you do and always remind yourself that whatever you choose to do in life you go back to that pure emotion why you started it. And in the most difficult times that’s where you draw your strength…”

I think I have learned so much over the last months. Most importantly I learned that it’s important to do something you are passionate about. Because if you do that then your real talent, your calling will shine through. Will it always be a smooth ride? No! But is it easier to ride out the high and lows? Most definitely. I learned how important it is to stay true to yourself. To be yourself. Being fake will not get you anywhere. It will burn you out and it will burn out your relationships. It will draw the wrong people to you and that will again drain you.

I totally understand it’s not easy to do what you are passionate about and stick to that. But why not trying it? Take a good look at yourself and ask yourself if you do what you like. If there is a way to do what you feel passionate about. And then go for it!

24 thoughts on “It’s Been A While

  1. Good to see a post (and a comment earlier) from you Sandra. I had missed you and wondered if WP had dropped you from my reader as a lot of regular challenges haven’t been coming in. Sounds like you’ve had a busy time. Sorry the job didn’t work out, but as it turns out, perhaps that was not such a bad thing afterall.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How nice to see you again! That’s wonderful that you quit a job that was not the right fit and that you earned money doing something you love. I look forward to reading more about you and your children now that you are back. That’s not pressure — just interest.

    Liked by 2 people

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