Blogger Party And A Happy Dance

jelly dance

Doing a little Happy Dance over here and somehow can’t stop thinking of a picture of a jelly fish I recently took. While watching I felt like it was dancing for me… I know, it takes some imagination to see it. Maybe you should have been there too…

Now let the jelly be a jelly… Most importantly: I just want to shout out a huge THANK YOU ALL!!!

Thank you all so much for your support, for your visits, the likes, the comments, for inspiring me and for teaching me heaps of stuff! Today I reached the amazing number of 100’000 views!

I thought I might be able to catch the 100’000th view but headed over to one of your posts to read at 99’992 views and suddenly I was at 100’006… Oh well…

What a number, right?!

When I started the blog I was hoping to find one or two souls somewhere out there who would like to read what I’m writing about. It’s 1 1/3 year since more or less and I simply feel humbled.

I have all in all (Facebook and Twitter included) just over 1’800 followers. There’s a fantastic core group that I see frequently commentating on my posts. Bloggers I feel I know by now and consider my virtual friends.

And now I really hope you feel like celebrating with me!

Let’s party together!

  • Share the link to your blog in the comments. Maybe with a short introduction? Maybe the link to a favorite post of yours? Up to you…
  • If you like reblog this post so other bloggers can find their way over there and share their link too in order to meet some new “friends”

And then party! Catch up with everyone else who is here today. Say hi and have a friendly conversation. It’s how you meet people, you know.

Thank you all so so much! Now let me continue with my Happy Dance 🙂

Which Color Are You?

A fun little quiz I found thanks to Thumbup. I wonder which color would best represent you? Here’s the link to the quiz. Have fun 🙂


“You are dark blue. You are a very calm person – you hardly ever allow yourself to get riled up, which means you’re great at taking control of situations. This means you are quite confident and comfortable being a leader. You are also quite a thoughtful person, both in the sense that you care for others and enjoy getting lost in your own thoughts, planning out how you’re going to do things in your head and how best to achieve what you want to.”

Dogs – Did You Know…

… Why dogs often scratch the ground after they’ve finished peeing or pooing? Dogs of both sexes commonly scratch or scrape the ground with their hind paws immediately after defecating. Some dogs also perform this action after urinating. This is a normal behavior — it’s your dog’s way of leaving a scent and visual message to other hounds that might pass by later. Wolves, the ancestors of domestic dogs, perform this behavior for the same reason.

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SL-Week 36: Women

What a wonderful challenge to portrait women in a picture. I could head out now and try to find a group of young women mingling. Or I could try to find some older women chatting about life. Maybe some mixed age group women, friends or mothers and daughters. And every picture could be telling thousands of stories. Thanks, Silvain Landry, for such a great task! It definitely inspires for more (soon to come…)


You can break down a woman temporarily but a real woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever! – Unknown

Wind In My Face – Snapshots

It’s cold, everything is covered under a thick layer of snow. The wind is icy, my face feels cold. I’m happy. My Dad is here with me, walking alongside the pony I’m riding. It’s the pony of someone I don’t know but we look after him and I can ride him. I’m not comfortable yet to do it on my own. I’m just about 10. Maybe my Dad is not comfortable to let me ride on my own. Not sure… but he is there with me, holding the pony. And because he knows how much I would love to go faster he starts jogging. And the pony trots. Then my Dad runs faster and the pony starts galloping. I could go on forever like this. I would love to go faster. My Dad in his black winter coat runs as fast as he can for as long as he can. He is in his 60’s. I admire him for doing this. If only he could go faster…

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It’s that time of the day when you feel calm. When you the buzz of the day has not reached you just yet or is slowly lifting off your shoulder. It’s when the moon and the sun exchange their positions and the light only gently kisses you…


Inspired by the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge – Half-Light

Fall – How It Used To Be


It’s a beautiful day in early fall. Autumn has it’s own unique energy, which I believe is similar everywhere. It’s the struggle of summer that still wants to be in charge but has to make room for winter soon. It’s like a little struggle between the warm and the cold season. And in the middle of it is fall. A season of its own, trying to make a mark too. And it does. At least for me. It’s my absolute favorite season of the year. Always has been. And I think it’s my favorite season just because of this “struggle”. Because you kind of get a taste of both, warmth and chill. Although fall used is different now than it used to be, the basic characteristics are still there.

It’s late afternoon and I’m soaking in the last little bit of sunshine for the day. The air is slightly chilly yet the sun still nice and warm. I close my eyes and immediately feel taken back to those beautiful autumn days in Switzerland.

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We all leave our little mark while “walking” our path of life. I know that there is a quote down that line but was unable to find it. Here is what I think it was all about:

When we leave our footprints on our journey through life, we can not only consider ourselves. We need to make sure that there is still room for others to leave their mark as well. So walk gently. Leave your mark but don’t destroy. Make your path but don’t hurt. Leave a footprint people would love to follow, maybe get inspired rather than being scared. Leave a mark that makes people smile rather than cry. Leave a path, people want to follow but not walk on. Something that guides rather than pushes. Motivates and inspires rather than orders…



Inspired by the Daily Post Daily Prompt – Footsteps