

A hike in the forest, following a narrow path leading you to places you have not been before. Breathing in the fresh air, absorbing the energy, feasting your eyes on the fresh green. Wildlife around you, listening to the birds. Taking it all in.

A beautiful day indeed.

While I’m out there I can’t help listening to the leaves, branches, entire trees moving in the wind. It makes me think of all the places I have been. The wind was always there too. Sometimes in strong gales, a storm, sometimes only like a gently blow on your neck. Sometimes hot, sometimes chilly and sometimes just right.

For me it always tells a story. Just like water.

It travels our planet, passes through countries, touches everything. Imagine it could actually tell the story of it’s journey.

I close my eyes and feel the wind in my face. And I connect. Not only with myself but with my past. All the moments I have felt the wind in my face before. All the special memories I have. And I know I will stand there, with my eyes closes, feeling the wind on my face and in my hair many more times. Creating memories. Listening to the branches, the leaves and even the trees moving in the wind. And I know I will be part of one of the stories the wind will carry along from now on…


Picture available on Etsy as print.

7 thoughts on “Narrow

  1. When I was a little kid i could see the wind. I could see it a it approached and then lifted a leaf or stray bit of paper and carry it aloft. It took several years at school for the nuns to convince me that seeing the wind was not possible.

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  2. Pingback: Narrow (Canal) | What's (in) the picture?

  3. This weekend I had a similar experience to you hiking in mountains towards a beautiful waterfall. The waterfall was framed in a dark narrow cliff and I think I should post of photo of it as a second to installment to Narrow, although that would be a first…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Narrow | stenoodie

  5. Pingback: Today I Am Narrow Minded | Lillie-Put

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