Blogger Recognition Award


So thankful for having been rewarded once again. The Bee Writes… has nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award, an award that I happily accept. I know that many of you out there have decided to go award free. Maybe because the awards and the “rules” attached to them are more or less the same over and over again and I understand that it might feel a bit overwhelming covering it on multiple cases. I think though, that it’s a great way to show a bit more from you as a blogger, to reveal just that tiny little bit extra about you. And it’s for sure a nice appreciative nod we all like from time to time.

The rules of this award for my nominees:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Done
  2. Write a post to show your award. Doing it right now
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started. Sure thing
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. Okay
  5. Select 5 other bloggers for this award. Let’s see
  6. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and link to the post you created. Okidoki
  7. Add Blogger Recognition Award image to your post. Done


A Momma’s View’s story and my advice to new bloggers

Years ago I started playing with the idea of blogging. For me back then a blogger was someone “big”, someone who knew their stuff, someone who could write. So I felt intimidated. They knew what they were doing, they almost felt untouchable. I thought I needed a specific niche, a specific subject to write about. And so I let all those points and thoughts get to me and stop me from starting. Maybe I was just not ready yet.

Until I jumped into the cold water in September 2014 and just created “A Momma’s View”. And put myself out there. I decided that I just wanted to write. Write about my thoughts, my struggles, rant about what annoyed me, mention what I enjoy most and simply touch on my struggles, feelings, worries and dreams. There was so much in my head and sometimes it was hard to bear not to let it out.

So I sat down one morning, signed up on WordPress, gave this space the name I thought would fit best and published my first post. I’m glad I did it. Not only have I made wonderful connections and have found special friendships with people from all over this planet but I have also found the perfect outlet for my thoughts, my feelings.

In 6 months I will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of “A Momma’s View”. My little baby is a toddler now, still wobbly on its feet and immature. But it has grown quite a bit in the time of its existence with soon 175’000 views and over 2’000 followers. This project is not done yet. It gives me so much joy. Today I laugh at the advice that “you need to find your niche”. Maybe you have to in order to make money from your blog but you for sure don’t need to if you want to write from your heart.

Keep it real is what I think is important. Keep your feelings real, your advice real, your story real. Write from the heart and you will make connections. No matter what you write about. And those would be also my most important advises to new bloggers. Don’t let anyone push you in a niche you will feel trapped in. If you are not comfortable with what you write about, it will not come across the same way. And it’s those vibes as well people pick up on too. It’s the feelings and your tone of voice while you write it that people will pick up too.

Over the time I connected with bloggers who always manage to either make me smile, wow me, teach me things, or make me think. Like All In A Dad’s Work, Ah Dad…, Nutsrok, Erika Kind, Rixlibris, Me-Who Am I, and Grubbs n’ Critters. But there are plenty more out there and if you browse my posts you will see them in my comments or mentioned in My Picks Of The Week posts.

Blogging is like a journey. In a sense you can compare it to childhood. You will need time to learn, to find your footsteps and develop your skills. You will grow over time thanks to the experience you gain, the things you learn and the connections you make. And it will continue like this for as long as you let it 🙂

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