Happy Anniversary To A Momma’s View

I can’t believe it’s a year today. One year of A Momma’s View! What a year it was…

Time flies by, right? I feel like this first year blogging went by so fast. I was thinking a lot about this post. About what I wanted it to be. But just like my blog it’s slightly different than what I pictured it to be.

But what can you really write about? You all know my blog, the way I write and what I write about so far. So there’s not a lot of new stuff I can tell you really. What you might not know is how proud I feel right now. For so many reasons.

Proud because I blogged for 365 days and although on some of the posts on this blog are guest posts, quotes, blast of the pasts or reblogs, I’ve managed to have something new up every day. 1012 posts have been published on this blog, not counting this one. I had over 53’000 views until today and just about 1500 followers counting Facebook and Twitter. Numbers I would have never expected to reach, for sure not in my first year of blogging. I’m proud of having achieved something like this and for me it feels truly great. I stuck to my initial plan of posting on a daily base. Something that was not always easy.

I’m not only proud. I’m also extremely thankful. Thankful for all of you who supported me along the way. The ones I’ve met in the very beginning and who are still around. And the ones I’ve met along the way. Thank you all so much for your support and for the inspiring exchange we had. And thank you to all of my new followers. I’m so happy you found me and you decided to follow A Momma’s View! I’m looking forward to many inspiring moments. I want to thank all of you who have nominated me for all those amazing awards, not only letting me feel your appreciation for what I’m doing here but also giving me the chance to give you some more info about who I am in answering your questions or writing down some random facts about me.

I’d like to take this as an opportunity to thank Forevershannon (Liebster Award) and also The Confusing Middle (Premio Dardos Award) for nominating me for two more a couple of days ago.

Ever since I’ve started this blog I’ve not only managed to write blog posts on a daily base but I’ve also finished writing two novels (one is ready to be published and the other one is still being edited). I have another two stories in my head and I will start writing over the next couple of weeks. At the moment I’m sending out emails to the ones who have signed up for “Momma’s 21 Days Of Inspiration” and I have to say that it’s so much fun doing this that I consider running another 21 days in the future. If you are interested to sign up please drop me a line (Subject: Momma’s 21 Days Of Inspiration).

I feel like not only this blog has come to a better place, has developed and grown but so have I.

I was wondering what I could do to make this moment special for all of us (at least I hope so).What could be better than having a birthday party?

So I invite you over here to party with me once again. But this time there’s not really a twist to it. And still I’d like you to get involved.

So how about you leave the link to your blog in the comments, maybe with a short intro of what you are writing about. And then let me know what you think I should write about more often on this blog. What would you like to read over the next 365 days of A Momma’s View’s journey?

I got really inspired but one of my followers when she mentioned that she would love to hear more about how different winters in Switzerland and Australia are and I thought it would be great to keep that going in a way.

Now… can you hear the music? Can you smell the food?

So why don’t you come in and join the party? I was waiting for you! There are some others already inside, chatting along, eating, drinking and dancing.

Please share a link to your blog, visit the others that do and let me know what you would love to read on this blog in the future.

Now, please excuse me, it’s time for a glass of sparkling wine 😉

96 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary To A Momma’s View

  1. Happy Blogiversary Sandra! Wow look at how much you have achieved in such a short time. You have already gained a lot of respect for the support and inspiration that you give to others myself included! Have a great day,
    Here is a link to my blog for those that don’t already know me. I like to write about the funny side of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Blogiversary Sandra! { No more Mom!! }

    Congratulations on all those awards and achievements. It has been a realy pleasure for me to frequent your blog in last month. I would love to read whatever you write about. I like the inspiring stories and quotes you share–like the one you translated and the good/bad wolf one. Keep up the good work 🙂

    I also wish you very best for your novels, blogging, writing and life.

    Stay blessed.

    Anand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Herzliche Gratulation zum Geburtstag deines Blogs! Du warst wirklich sehr fleißig! Mögen noch viele weitere Beiträge folgen. Ich finde deinen Themenmix gut. Mach einfach so weiter wie bisher.

    Wer meine Blogs (beide auf Deutsch) noch nicht kennen sollte: LIEBESRAUM beschäftigt sich mit allem, was mit Liebe und Positivem zu tun hat: https://liebesraum.wordpress.com/
    LEBENSSPURFRAGMENTE beschäftigt sich mit meinem Leben und allerlei, was mir sonst noch so unterkommt: https://lebensspurfragmente.wordpress.com/

    Herzliche Grüße aus Wien,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Du hast zwei ganz tolle Blogs und ich wünschte meine Followers würden auch Deutsch lesen (es gibt welche, die es wirklich tun…). Tausend Dank für deine Unterstützung! Und nun komm doch rein und bediene dich am Buffet. Bin mir sicher, dass Erika Kind auch bald kommen wird. Ihr werdet euch sicher verstehen oder kennst du sie schon?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Herzlichen Dank für deine liebe Nachricht und dein Lob! Alles findet seinen Weg. Jeder Blog findet seine Follower. Ich mag es, dass meine Blogs nur langsam wachsen, weil ich gerne die Leute auch kennenlernen will, die sich für meine Beiträge interessieren.
        Danke für deine Einladung, ich werde gleich einen der köstlichen Kuchen probieren. 🙂
        Der Name Erika Kind sagt mir was, aber ich kann ihn gerade nicht zuordnen. Welcher Blog ist ihrer?

        Herzliche Grüße,


        Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Doc! Love your blog so much! Thanks for your ongoing support and all your visits, likes and comments. Please help yourself to drinks and food and head over to the others. I’ll be with you guys in a second.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations. You certainly have had quite a year! Your commitment and achievement of a daily post is huge!
    Wishing you continued success.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow… this has certainly been a very prolific year …1000+ posts many more followers, two books almost ready to print .. surely is cause for the champagne… Pass me a glass please ,… let me raise a toast to you and drink to may more such inspiring years.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi and welcome. Love seeing you here as always. Love your blog, makes me giggle and think at the same time! Here’s your glass and head over to the other ones. Be there in a little bit :-)…

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Anniversary!! You have done AMAZING in your first year! I am going on year two and trying to really expand my followers/increase my page views per day now! Thanks for your inspiration! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations Sandra! And here is a glass of bubbly to wish you many happy returns!
    I am happy we meet from the start. I am impressed with your achievements. Way to go.
    Though your blog could be seen as targeted for moms, it offers so much variety of themes, and gives room for reflection, learning in a wide array of subjects. It is also very inclusive and promotes other blogger’s work while increasing the community spirit. Your care for your kids and humanity in general, is reflected in your considerate posts and comments.
    And you did all of that while writing two novels. Wow.
    So, what else could I ask you to write about? Keep writing with authenticity and passion as you already do. I will be here following you.
    Blog on!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy Anniversary!! That’s wonderful and you have done quite well according to your numbers. I admire you for being able to post every day. I tried a Nano challenge about a year ago to post once a day for an entire month, and even that was almost too much for me. 🙂 I can’t think of anything that I’d like to see more of on your blog – just keep it you and let inspiration lead your way.

    For anyone who wants to drop by “Me – Who Am I?” to see if I’ve figured out who I am yet, come on over! https://mewhoami.wordpress.com/

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad you’re here to celebrate with us 🙂 Yes, everyone should head over to your blog and have a good read. Such an inspiring place. Thanks a lot for all your inspiration!


  9. Congratulations on the success of your blog. You have worked hard indeed, and you deserve to celebrate. It has been enjoyable to be on the ride,and I look forward to being a witness to your second year! Best wishes. x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratualtions on your first year, how cool!! I would just love to read more about you, your life and your passions. My link is https://elementhealing.wordpress.com/ and I blog about my life, the things I’ve learned and about following you dreams. I also post my photographs with hopefully inspiring and thought provoking messages as well as jewelry I make for clients and whom ever is feeling the vibe of the piece. Happy Anniversary!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Keep The Party Going | A Momma's View

  12. Such a fabulous achievement and goal you’ve reached! Congratulations to you momma. Glad to have found your site and I do hope your books are as well received as your writing here.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Blog-aholic Award | A Momma's View

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