Tell Me Something Good #121


It just dawned to me that this challenge is running for 2 years now and I remember the night I was in my car driving home after a meeting and listening to the radio. It was the program on there that inspired me for this challenge. They asked people to call and let them know what kind of good thing they were looking forward to or experienced and share with their listeners. I just loved the idea obviously. I’m glad it’s going and I love reading what you all are happy about or looking forward to. Sometimes it’s in the little things, you know… sometimes it’s something big that makes us smile. Whatever it is: Cherish it!

But let’s not waste anymore time (as it’s already Tuesday once again here) and let’s kick off this week on a positive note.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

You know it by now! We are not moving any further without a little happy dance. So shake those hips and whatever else you need to shake and dance with a lot of sass…

dance dancing GIF

What do you mean you’re done? No, no, no… I know you have much more in you… So keep going. I promise it makes you feel good, diapers or no diapers… 😉 And once you are done, here is what I’d like to share with you today:

“I was busy organizing a soccer event over the last weeks and Sunday was meant to be that amazing day for hundreds of girls. It was meant to be that wow moment and peak of the season for them. The day they would remember for years. So much work going into it making sure everything goes to plan. But there is one thing you can never control in regards to an outdoor event: The weather…

So when I woke up due to a loud thunder at 2.30am I didn’t manage to fall asleep anymore, listening to the rain and hail and wind. I checked the time, saw the minutes and hours tick away. I knew the grounds would be super wet but I was confident they would be fine for the girls to play on. I knew we would only suspend all the games if there was lightning. But I couldn’t stop thinking of all the 7-11 year olds out there in the cold (temperatures were announced to drop to 6C…), windy and wet conditions from 9am till 4.30pm. I thought about the chances of hail. I thought of my daughter and her team out there but also about all the other girls.

When I arrived at the grounds as the first one to be there besides the lady running the cafeteria, fighting the wind while making my way to my office for the day, I felt incredibly frustrated. I was sad that the day would not turn out to be what I wanted it to be for the girls. I was sad that they would most likely walk away from it with a ‘it was the worst day ever’ experience. And when we kicked off and I watched them fight their opponents, the wind and rain I was actually super close to tears. But then the weather started changing. The sun came out (it was still super cold but at least dry and sunny) and I heard the giggles, I saw the smiles and then I heard that one remark: “You will always remember this day as the day you played a tournament in the worst possible conditions but you played and you had fun and you didn’t let it get to you.”

In this very moment I felt it. I felt incredibly proud of all the girls out there. Not only my daughter or her team, not only the girls in our club’s the teams but every single girl out there. Their passion, their commitment, their team spirit. Not caving in. Not giving up. Not leaving. Not heading home. But staying. Playing. Facing the elements. Going home in the evening, feeling tired but proud. And most likely with the knowledge that they are not princesses, unable to withstand tough situations. In the contrary: They are mighty, they are tough. No give-up attitude. And I realized that this day, with the most awful weather might have been the one day that they will always think back to and say: “If I was able to do this, I can do anything…”



Blast From The Past – About Growing Up And Letting Go

Ever day I look at my children and see how much they have changed. I embrace the cuddles, the kisses, the coming over in the night because they had a nightmare. I know that I need to embrace those moments as the kids grow up and soon they will not need me in the same way anymore. Totally fine, totally normal. And yet a lesson that I have to learn and get adjusted to. I’d like to share this post about my thoughts I had about the same thing a couple of months ago once again as a Blast Of The Past.

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Lessons For Our Kids

Funny how sometimes you want to write about something and try to come up with the right words. And then suddenly something pops up and you simply go: Yes! This above is one of those things.

For such a long time now I wanted to write about kids and the lessons we teach them again. I think it’s such a crucial thing.

We often complain about how bad our world is becoming. How crazy people are. How shocking some of them behave. We complain and we also claim that there’s nothing we can do.

It’s not true!

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What seems to be 100% for some might not seem that way for others. It’s a lesson I’ve learned over the years. Something I stated in a comment to on one of her posts. Great blog, by the way, you should check it out!

You might wonder where I’m going with this, so let me tell you.

In her post Sam mentions that she always gives 100% but sometimes feels like she does not receive it from others. Well, in short. You need to read the entire post. Right away I could totally relate to what she said. At the same time everything inside of me screamed “but”!

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I’m a mom. I’m a mom that wants the best for my children. I’m a mom that believes that every child deserves the best. I’m a mom that believes everyone who’s involved in teaching a child something has the responsibility to give his or her very best to provide the kids with the best possible opportunity, teaching and training. And I’m a mom that gets angry when I witness that this is not done properly.

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A Piece Of Paper

“A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up but to not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty it was.

She then told them to tell it that they’re sorry and to try to fix the paper. When the kids thought they were done, she pointed out all the scars they’ve left behind. Those scars would never go away, no matter how hard they would try to fix it. It’s the same with bullying. Even though you might say that you are sorry, you might not be able to fix all the scars you’ve caused. Some of them might stay forever.”

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