The Emptiness In Your Head

My heart is full. I’m happy. Life is good and we all have a wonderful time. I’m not just painting a picture. I really think that sometimes when you have to face some obstacles your perspective shifts and you appreciate all the little things.

While my hear is full I feel like my head is empty. A dangerous statement to make, right? Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I can’t think anymore. My head is empty in regards to writing. Over the last couple of weeks I came to the conclusion that writer’s block is real and it feels rather painful.

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Tell Me Something Good #88

And I did it again! Somehow I tend to ignore it’s Monday recently and then realize on Tuesday that it’s actually already Tuesday… Sign of age? Maybe… or maybe it’s the fact that I work a business where I have my own hours and therefor no routine I have to follow. Same in regards to homeschooling, although the kids have done school yesterday… so maybe I’m just getting old… In any case, it’s still Monday somewhere (thank God for the Northern Hemisphere…). So let’s do it. Let’s start the week off on a positive note.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

So before I share my good thing let’s do another happy dance. As you know I love my happy dances and so I decided to just keep doing it. Hope you’re having heaps of fun! I sure hope nobody is closing the door on you 😉

Image result for gif happy dance

Just keep going for as long as you like 😀 And when you are ready, here is what I’d like to share with you today:

I just feel so super blessed with my life right now. The kids are wonderful people, we have a beautiful home, amazing friends and each other. The weather is great, almost a bit too hot today, but hey, the beach is close by… So many things are adding up. For some they all are considered little things but for me it’s those things that have a huge influence on how your life goes. It’s hot outside but the clouds are building and a thunderstorm is predicted. They also issued an asthma storm warning. And once again I feel lucky. Lucky that nobody in my family suffers from asthma. So if you are struggling with something today, try to see all the good things that are in your life. Small or not. But if you pay attention to them you will feel better.”

Blast From The Past – Instinct Or Judgment?

It’s so hard to not cross that fine line between instinct and judgment. Between making a smart decision because of a gut feeling and labeling someone because of an idea we have… I really try not to judge, I try to keep an open mind. Try to give people a chance to make me see who they are.

I’m no saint. I’m only human and it happens. I make assumptions and then make a decision based on them. You could also call this judging. This year is almost over and I guess I’m in my usual state of reflecting and trying to figure out how I can make myself a better person. I don’t want to fall back into being too polite to listen to my gut feelings but I also don’t want to allow my assumptions to take over. It’s about finding that balance… and hopefully I will 😉

The thoughts about instinct vs judging has kept me busy for a while now, as you can tell when you keep reading my Blast From The Past. I guess it’s a good thing. It means that I try to stay aware of which is which and keep control over it…

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Tell Me Something Good #87

Time for a positive start into the week. After all it’s still Monday somewhere in this world, so I’m not completely wrong here… Forgive me for the radio silence but I just needed some days to recover and get organized again. I guess traveling for a couple of weeks throws you out of your routine… no wonder… Anyway, I’m back! Let’s do it. Let’s start the week off on a positive note.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

So before I share my good thing let’s do another happy dance. As you know I love my happy dances and so I decided to just keep doing it. Hope you’re having heaps of fun!

Just keep going for as long as you like 😀 And when you are ready, here is what I’d like to share with you today:

“Summer has arrived and spending time on the beach and in the water feels so great. Sometimes little things like feeling sand between your toes and listening to the waves make you feel like you’re on top of the world…”

Blast From The Past – Pick Me Up

I remember it so vividly. How easy it was to just pick up my kids. Both of them. It’s no longer possible, as much as I’d like to sometimes. Even if I try they are so tall now…

When they were little and wanted to be picked up all the time I often thought that I can’t wait for it to be over. It’s physically challenging sometimes. And sometimes it’s not just the physical part but also a question of wanting some space. Space they give me now (and sometimes I don’t want it…).

And while they can no longer be just lifted up like this, I think all of us still crave for it occasionally. And when that moment is there, we find a way to at least get to a similar point by hugging and cuddling. The carrying… well that is no longer an option 😉

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Share Your World – November 20th to December 4th, 2017


Hey, I didn’t realize that I skipped so many of Cee’s Share Your World Challenges! But I will answer all her questions of the last couple of weeks in this post, so bare with me. If you have not checked out her fun Q&A challenge yet, you really need to! It’s so simple: Every week Cee poses a couple of questions. You then answer them in a post and link back to her post. And that’s it. No big deal but fun to do. So let’s get to it…

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