
I’m sitting on the train. It’s early but I’m wide awake. Wide awake because my waking up gave me one of those “oh shit” moments. Thankfully though a “oh shit glad it didn’t happen” moment.

Obviously when I went to bed yesterday I was way too tired to plug my mobile phone in (I know, I know, you should not even have it in your bedroom. And you should not use it as your alarm… but I do). So when the alarm went off this morning I realised that I just had 1% of batterie left on my phone…

It’s not the earliest shift but it’s an early one and by now I have reached the too tired to wake up by myself at 5 or 6am state of tired. Who wakes up by themselves at 5am anyway?

Well, in any case: I was lucky enough to not just sleep without a working phone and then waking up realising that I over slept. This would have been my kind of horror. First of all because I hate being late. Hate it! And then because I’m opening that one outside office today and it will be just me till 9am. And it’s not easy to get a hold of someone who is not supposed to come in that early at that time of the day.

So I’m thankful that my phone had 1% left, that the alarm worked and that I’m now on my way to my shift. After an amazing day off yesterday, also spending it at the tennis but this time actually watching it…

Blast From The Past – How You Deal With Situations…

I’m back. Back in my special time of my year. The month in which people are on summer break and enjoy the beach. Or then they, just like me, work on getting everything ready and make it run smoothly for one of the most amazing events in this world. While last year the team consisted of half new and half returning people this year all but 4 are new. And once again it amazes me how amazing all those young people I work with are. They are fun, they are polite, they have an amazing work ethic. All of them have one thing in common: They make you feel good. And I think it’s the vibe people feel when they arrive. It’s why our Slam is called the Happy Slam. I don’t want to repeat myself but rather share a post from last year as a Blast From The Past…

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Share Your World – July 24th, 2017

Image result for image tea party

Did your kids play tea party with you too? Or with their friends, real friends or imaginary friends? My daughter played it so often. I sometimes wonder where they get it from and why it’s such a universal game… You wonder why I write about tea parties? Well because there is one question in Cee’s Share Your World Challenge that is related to tea and so it just triggered that thought.

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Tell Me Something Good #42

Image result for monday motivation

Yes you truly are amazing and you can handle anything! So pull up those sleeves and tackle it!

Let’s put some effort into creating a good week and kick start it with a positive thought on your Monday morning. Let’s do it! Let’s kick off the week on a positive note!

It’s easy:

  • Mention something that you consider being good in the comments
  • Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.
  • Share this post and invite your followers as well.

Before I share my good thing with you lets celebrate something. Celebrate the good thing. Celebrate the fact that you can always find a way to do it. No matter what people think and say, it will always be in your hands. You can turn things around, you can step up, you can surprise, you can do it!

Australian Open tennis roger federer champion federer

Today I have the following message for you:

“There are always haters out there. Haters and doubters. People who will tell you that you won’t succeed anymore or maybe even never. But it’s not about them. It’s not about what they think or say. It’s about what you know, what you believe in and about what you put into it. I mentioned before that I believe tennis is actually teaching you a lot about life and the last weekend did it again, at least for me. Serena Williams won again. This time against her sister who only a few thought would make it into the final of a Grand Slam again. But she did. She did because she believed in her chances.

It was similar with the men’s final. We saw Roger Federer return after a 6months break. This is a very long time without playing any matches! Nobody thought he would make it to the final. Nobody thought he would win the first Slam of the year. Many actually thought he will never win a Grand Slam again. But he did it. Against one of the toughest opponents out there. He won because he believed in being able to win. He won because he did not give up.

I’m no Roger Federer or Serena or Venus Williams. But they all taught me that no matter what anyone else thinks or tells you: As long as you believe in yourself you can do it. You are in control. Once again I take this little life lesson and store it in my little corner in the brain, ready to fall back to it when I need the motivation in my day to day life. :-)”

The Center Court Of Life

Tennis and life have a lot in common. At least I think so. There are the athletes on the court, battling it out, fighting for every point. It’s about stamina, speed, reaction, game plans and how clever you play and how much you understand the game.

It’s also about how persistent you are. It’s about not giving up until the very last point is played. And this is why I admire some of the players out there. Because that is exactly what they do. They might not have the biggest serve or the strongest forehand or backhand. They might not be the fastest, they might not even be the smartest players. But they just don’t give up. They keep fighting and in doing so manage to turn a game around.

As stupid as it sounds I often took this ability as inspiration for my life. I thought a couple of time that even if the score stands at 0:6, 0:5, 0:40 the game is not lost yet, the set is not lost yet and the match is not lost yet. As long as that last point is not lost, you always have a chance to turn things around.


Inspired by the Daily Post Photo Challenge – Admiration

Blast From The Past – Life And Tennis

Ah, it’s the time of the year again, when the yellow balls fly over the nets, hit by the pros over on our side of the world. The Australian summer of tennis has started and one of the best events ever is about to start. I find tennis a very interesting sport and I actually think that you can take a lot from a tennis match and apply it to life in general. This is a little blast form the past about the way I see it.

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Energy And How You Generate It…

The last couple of days… Hang on! The last couple of weeks were a great lesson for me in regards to how to handle your energy. Usually it’s easy. You use energy and then you rest in order to gain it again. Simple, right? Well, yes, if it works that way. But what if you don’t get that rest?

What if you have to keep going? 

Honestly, I think it’s pretty simple too. At least in theory: You just keep going!

It’s almost 2am right now, while I write this. Tomorrow I have to start work at 5.45. The last couple of days haven’t been any different. Well, I got some 4 to 5 hour nights, but still… Usually I don’t cope well with anything that’s less than 7 hours sleep. But this is what it is. And I can’t change it. 

I could let myself go and give in. But the fact is that it would not help at all. If you do this, you lose. You will be so exhausted that you don’t get anywhere anymore. So keep going. Easy to say? Yes! In this very case it is and I tell you why: I have the best reasons to be exhausted. First of all I do it for my family and second I’m back working the job I absolutely love, interacting with people and to be honest not only giving them positive energy but also feeding from theirs. 

Don’t just give in if you face a crazy and exhausting task. Keep going and do it in a positive way and you will find that it will make you feel better too. 

And now I really have to sleep 😉


If you have not done so yet, head over to Silver Lining Mama and check out the SHE-LOGY posts over there. Maybe you even have three inspiring women in mind and up to write a post for SHE-LOGY too? In any case it is worth to check the posts out. I learned a lot about many great women…

Silver Lining Mama

SHE-LOGY: Another very interesting post from guest blogger, A Momma’s View, for today’s spotlight on women in sports. I love how personal she relayed the stories and what we can learn from these three women.

I think it is time that we mention three special ladies from the sports world, three amazing athletes and great tennis players. I thought long and hard about which ones to choose but decided on those three. Why? I will explain it right away.

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