Share Your World – February 27th, 2017

When I came back from my walk yesterday there was a big flock of my favorite birds in the tree in front of our house. They always blow my mind with their beauty. The colors are amazing and often I wondered why they would be so intensely colorful. Then I saw them in the tree which seems to be the tree providing them with the food they love the most. And it all made sense. The deep blue sky in the background, the intense green of the leaves and the deep red of the blossoms fitted the color of their feathers just perfectly fine. They blended in.

I love the idea that rainbow lorikeets are part of my world now. And I figured it would be more than right to share a picture of them today in my post for Cee’s Share Your World Challenge.

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Meet and Greet: 2/25/17

Great opportunity to connect with new blogging friends. Danny is inviting us all again to share our links, so drop in and leave your link and say hi to others that already left their links.

Please comment on Danny’s post.

Tell Me Something Good #46

Image result for monday motivation quotes image

New strength and new thoughts for the new week to start. What a great mantra. So let’s do it! Let’s start this week on a positive note!

It’s easy:

  • Mention something that you consider being good in the comments
  • Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.
  • Share this post and invite your followers as well.

Before I share my good thing with you let’s do a little happy dance again. You know me by now, you know how much I love my little happy dance. So let’s do it, let’s dance, dance as if nobody is watching, or as if you just don’t care… 🙂

Image result for gif toddler dance

Yes! Add a little swag too! Common, do another round. Move those bones…

And when you are done, here is what I’d like to share with you:

“Sometimes you can feel trapped in your thoughts and in this sense also in your body. Simply because your thoughts are in your body and you can feel like there is no escape. But there is. This week my good thing is that the ocean is so close by. I can get there at any time and on every given day if I like to. And just by looking at the waves I know that sometimes problems come but problems also go away again. As I said, just like a wave. Being at the beach and looking at the ocean lifts the weight off my shoulders and always manages to make me breathe deeper and calmer. And that is something I’m incredibly thankful for.”


Blast From The Past – Mixed Feelings


There’s a lot on my mind today and yet I can’t really put it in words. It’s one of those moments where you want to express yourself but simply can’t. I still don’t really know if I have processed it. I guess it’s not real. It’s just not real because I don’t “feel” the loss. It’s not part of my day to day life. Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes not.

I guess when you lose someone that was so important to you all of your life and you are used to seeing that person on a regular base it hits you hard. Not that it wouldn’t have hit me.

But it’s probably easier to forget that the person is actually gone when you lived the past 10 years on the opposite sides of this planet. You don’t see each other. The days go by and it’s just normal to not spend time together. And then, when that person is gone, it doesn’t change your day to day really. Because it’s not as if a part of it was removed.

On some days I’m not even aware of the fact that my Dad is no longer with us. But then it hits me and it almost feels like a little electric shock. It’s real. He is no longer here. There will no longer be moments to share, memories to be make. No more phone calls. No more hearing him whistle with the birds, no more of his giggling. I will not have the chance anymore to hug him and smell the very familiar scent of his skin or aftershave.

It comes in waves, that realization that he is gone. I still have no answers to the questions that were in my head when I wrote the following post one year ago. What I do know is, that he is up there with the stars, whistling with the wind now…

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My Picks Of The Week 2017 – #8

You know how we say that time flies by? Today I had this interesting feeling when realizing that it’s Saturday once again and the end of February is only just around the corner. But then what I did last Saturday at the same time already seems so far away. Time is indeed a very interesting and fascinating concept and I can see why a man like Einstein was so intrigued by it. I can see why we would love to figure out how it works. We figured out a lot over the last centuries… but will we ever figure out something so complex as time? I doubt it.

Anyway, here are the posts I enjoyed reading the most over the last week. I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. Happy weekend you all 🙂

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