The Thing With The Poo

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I have a thing with poo. Not what you might think now. Nothing gross. Nope. It’s more about the fact that I get really annoyed with people not picking up after their dogs. This post is triggered by a post pensitivity101 recently shared.

Dog owners or not, we all know that dog owners are meant to pick up their dog’s left over. There are bins and bags for this special purpose everywhere. But many people seem to ignore it. And it drives me insane.

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Grandmother Gifts

Grandma Crocheted A Shark Blanket

No, this is not my son and it’s not our Grandma that made the blanket. But I found it hilarious… I have to say some of them are really sweet. Well all of them. But I do see the epic fail in others. Just like the one above… Too good not to share, find more here.

52 Weeks Photo Challenge: Week 28 – Happy!

Managing to express feelings in pictures is hard. So I tried to come up with some of the pictures related to moments I felt happy. Happiness can be as simple as looking at a beautiful flower, having a candle burning, a beautiful sunset, traveling or a good cup of coffee…

If you like to join The Girl That Dream’s Awake 52 Week Photo Challenge as well, here’s what to do:

  1. Create a post entitled 52 weeks photo challenge :week xy – theme of the week
  2. Create a pingback to this page or leave the link to your post in the comments box.
  3. Tag the post ’52 weeks’


Virtual World


It’s been a beautiful morning today. One of the mornings you can’t help but enjoying your early walk with the doggies and maybe add another little bit to the usual round. It was one of the mornings you can’t help but looking up, watching the birds fly by (Cockatoos make such noise!) and enjoy the sunny morning.

And then I passed the train station.

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Hippos – Did You Know…

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… That when hippos are upset, their sweat turns red? I stumbled across this weird fact and dug a bit deeper. Actually it’s more like they secrete an oily red substance that acts as a moisturizer, sunblock and protects them from germs. This also makes them look like they are sweating blood. While looking up the “red blood fact” I found some more interesting facts about this beautiful grey giant:

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Share Your World – February 20th, 2017

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Had a little giggle when I saw the first question of Cee’s Share Your World Challenge today. We had a bit of a question conversation and I threw this question into the mix a week ago and here it is, coming back as part of her weekly Q&A. I’m actually curious to see what you will answer as I think that most of us move our jaw when cutting (when not focusing on not doing it). It’s something I often saw when watching the kids doing crafts…

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