A New Experience

So that’s it. A new kind of blogging experience. One that I have dreaded for so long. It’s the experience of not finding time to look after my blog. My “baby” in that sense. A baby that’s turning 3 very soon. And I feel bad.

Like a mother neglecting her child.

But then I neglect this child so I can actually spend more time with my real children.

I’m torn. I love blogging. I love writing my heart out. I love sharing my thoughts and rants and happy moments. I love reading what you put out there and your comments on my posts. I love visiting your blogs and new blogs and comment. But I simply can’t find time at the moment and it drives me crazy.

I need to come up with a new routine as the one I had clearly doesn’t work any longer. I’d like to be back, like to exchange thoughts with you again. But I don’t want this to turn into pressure. Because that’s when things go bad. And as I said, my blog is my baby too and really don’t want it to turn bad. So bare with me 😉

Share Your World – August 28th, 2017

So here we go…

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Tell Me Something Good #72

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Do you know how, when your mood is not really good, you sort of feel as if everything is slightly grey and heavy? You do? Well how about we try to change that and make a little effort to feel a bit better by simply imagining we sparkle and shine? And in doing so making the start into this day, into this week a much better one?

It’s easy:

  • Mention something that you consider being good in the comments
  • Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.
  • Share this post and invite your followers as well.

Before I share my positive thing with you today how about we all just relax a little bit? Just lean back, breathe deeply and let go of all the tension we might carry with us? Another deep breath and maybe stretch a little bit. And then another little stretch, another deep breath and we are ready to go, right?

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And when you are ready then here is what I’d like to share with you today:

“I know I didn’t deliver on the weekend. There was no My Picks Of The Week post. Not that I didn’t read any posts that were worth sharing. In the contrary. But time just totally got away from me. I promise I will have an extra long list next weekend. The last couple of days have been super busy, leading up to a tournament I was in charge organizing. A tournament with 600 soccer playing girls involved. It was a big day, with lots of soccer, many many many big smiles on happy kids faces and the weather… well… the weather could have been worse. Not only do I look back to it with a smile on my face because of so many girls having had a blast, but also because I have learned a lesson once again.

Maybe not the best lesson but an important one: You can have many, many people being happy and content with something and one person complaining and it’s the person who complains who gets to you. I learned that it’s my decision though if I let this person get to me. It’s my decision if I allow this person space in my head and heart. If I let this person bully away all the happy people. I’m in charge. I allow this person to be in my head but I can also kick this person out of this space. It’s up to me. Today, while still being exhausted but with a little bit of distance I realize that I’m in control. I can control if I have a happy memory or a bad one. And I for sure will now allow all the happy people to “move back” in my head and heart and fill my up with that feel good feeling of having successfully delivered a great event to hundreds of kids.”


Can’t help thinking of the famous Dirty Dancing sentence: Nobody puts Baby in a corner… but of course this is not about Dirty Dancing, or Baby nor is it about putting anyone else in a corner. At least I hope so. Feeling cornered is not a good thing. Not in a physical way and for sure not in a mental way. It’s one of the most intimidating things ever in my books. It’s also the moment I have to really focus hard on staying rational. Thankfully it doesn’t happen that often.

Anyway, here is my take on this week’s Photo Challenge Corner. I love having candles stand in a corner as the light reflects of the walls in such a beautiful way. I wonder though, if they feel put in a corner too… 😉

Feeling Cheated On

Reblogging this as a blast from my blogging past as it resonates with me after listening to a conversation two moms had the other day…

A Momma's View

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I had a post in my mind that I wanted to write today. But I totally forgot what it was about. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever had a post clearly structured in your mind and then you forgot everything about it? I forgot about it because my mind got occupied with all the thoughts triggered by my reblog of the question “would you want to know” and the comments of all of you.

Triggered by a comment I believe we need to differentiate between would you want to know at all or would you rather not know forever. If you would find it out would you want your partner to be the bearer of the bad news or would it make no difference to you and the decision you’d make if your partner would break the news or someone else?

I’m not sure of…

View original post 1,572 more words

Our Teachers

I read this over and over and my initial thought was that I don’t want to open my heart to people that drive me crazy any longer. I thought that I don’t want to open my heart to toxic people and allow them to get to me.

But this is not about that. This is about opening your heart and mind to allow ourselves to absorb all those lessons people can teach us. There is so much we can learn from good people but even more from the ones we consider “bad”…