
A hot chocolate, a fire place, the inside of a chalet or a cottage with all the wood and snuggling in the sofa in our warm comfy cloths comes to mind when I look at the word “cozy“. I guess it’s the way I grew up that still influences this kind of thinking. Because for whatever reason it’s somehow related to the cold outside and the warmth inside. It’s so much more though. It’s not just spending a cold winters night in a warm place.

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Tell Me Something Good #89

Image result for monday motivation image

This time I have a wonderful excuse for my post only being up today (Tuesday on our side of the world already): It was Christmas yesterday and so I haven’t been on the blog. Not just because we had a wonderful day as a family but because I spend all day cooking and the bit that I didn’t spend in the kitchen I just chilled.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too and what a beautiful way to start the week: With a holiday and most likely spending it with people you like and some beautiful surprises.

It’s easy:

• Mention something that you consider being good in the comments

• Or write a post about it on your blog (please don’t forget the pingback if you do so I don’t miss out and also share the link to it in the comments below). Something good that happened to you recently, or something good you will experience in a little while, or something good you know will happen soon. Something that makes you feel good.

• Share this post and invite your followers as well.

So before I share my good thing let’s do another happy dance. As you know I love my happy dances and so I decided to just keep doing it.

Image result for gif happy dance

And when you are done here is what I’d like to share with you today:

“Let’s be honest, we all love a nice present. But making someone happy is so much more than just giving a gift, even if it is the perfect gift. It’s about giving a little bit of yourself, listening to what the person really appreciates and acting accordingly. It’s finding that one thing that makes the person happy. I was lucky enough to have experienced all of it. From nice gifts to gifts from the heart (and the combination of it). Sometimes it’s the little things where the most thoughts go into. Christmas is amazing. Cooking a meal for people you love is amazing. Sitting at the table enjoying that meal with the ones you love is amazing. Watching the lights flicker is beautiful. May we all carry that feeling into the new year and through the many moments that seem a little bit harder than others…”

Blast From The Past – Faking It

The Holidays are here. It’s a busy time. And a time of reflection. Maybe more than ever I wonder who real people truly are, especially now. How much is just a mask, just an act. Let’s face it. This time of the year is supposed to be the happy time. We are supposed to be cheerful and motivated. But the reality is often a different one…

For so many this time of the year is hard. They struggle. They are exhausted from life, from their struggles and most likely also from trying to act as if nothing is wrong. Maybe they even try to reach out, try to make you understand that they don’t feel their best. But it is lost. Lost in the business of this time.

I sure hope all of you are fine. I hope that you are happy at this time and that you can enjoy the holidays. That your reflections will be good ones, the kind of thoughts that will make you grow. I hope you will spend the next couple of days with people you love, people who love you and understand you. I hope that you will reach out to people close to you if you ever struggle but also be there for people when they do and see, hear or feel the little signs.

Most of all I hope you don’t have to fake it. And I’d like to share some thoughts about faking it in the form of a Blast From The Past now. But before I do:

Happy Holidays to all of you 🙂

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Image result for image jealousy

“Does jealousy have value in driving humans to improve themselves or is it purely a negative emotion?”

Danny asked this question yesterday and it has triggered some random thoughts that I’d like to share and maybe we can have a little discussion in the comments afterwards. I think in general people agreed, and I’m one of them: It’s a negative emotion. So how can it have value?

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